big crunch


Proud Cruncher!
Aug 12, 2004
Reaction score
just wondering if this first job is ok....never had one last so long

I would keep an eye on it and check that the 'progress' is changing to make sure.

Another way is to go to 'results status' over at your WCG 'My Grid' section, identify the unit and see if any of the others in the quorum have completed and see how long they took :thumb:
V_R said:
How much ram is it using?

one is at 100,00k the other at 67,000

and to answer ady all the other results for this took no more than 16 hours

Keep checking m8...and i thought my desktop was cluttered lol lol
pikakilla said:
...and to answer ady all the other results for this took no more than 16 hours

Unless you are using a old computer, which I doubt as its a dual-core, then something appears wrong.

Has the 'Progress' bar moved from 74.82% since your screenshot? - if not, then abort it :thumb:

I had one of these get stuck a few days ago.
You have a C2D dont you? i've never seen a HPF job run for more that 10 hours.....

I bet its borked.
Theres a thread over at WCG about this HERE

Some have had sucess kicking starting these by shutting down Boinc and re-starting - perhaps give it a try before aborting :thumb:
No problem mate - you normally find with these that someone else has previously reported a similar problem, and if you go over to WCG and look in 'Boinc Support' or the relevant project support section then the solution can be found :thumb: