Big chunk(600K to 2MB) continuous data entry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ganesh
  • Start date Start date


Hello all
i call insert statement using sqlcommnand object(since
i have to insert binary data)where i am inserting
600k to 2mb's data into the database

i do this spawning 10 threads, i.e. all these threads
insert the 600k to 2mb data continuously reading from file.

what i have noticed is after some 4 to 5 hours of
running the system becomes slow and all the threads stop
giving me
time out error(from database insert statement)

Please help me the possible area i can look into

Thanks in advance
Are you moving data from one database to another or simply loading data into
the DB? In either case DTS or BCP would work far better (and faster).

Bill Vaughn
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