Big Black Cat sighting

Jul 11, 2010
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This afternoon I saw a large black cat about 2ft 6in to 3ft at the shoulder running in my neighbour's garden it was only a fleeting sight but there have been other sightings in the village in the passed two weeks. One of my neighbours has a camera set up in her garden and she got a shot of it or one like it 2 days ago in her garden.:eek:.
That's interesting Bootneck, I wonder what kind it is? Was your neighbour's photo any good? It would be great if someone actually managed to get a good shot (in the photographic sense) of one of these big cats.

(Just recently, there has been sightings of what is possibly a panther, in Pembrokeshire.)

Do you think your dogs sensed that it was about?
It's thought that there are a number of panthers roaming the country. One was suspected in Co. Durham a year or so back when a series of very badly mauled sheep remains were found in the area.

There were possible sightings but, as usual, no-one came up with a good photo to prove it.
Interesting, i honestly always thought the whole 'big cat' thing was a bit of a myth.

So what is it then, Zoo escapee?
The photo was taken at night with a web cam on a movement sensor and to be perfectly honest is not the best photo in the world but its head is above a 3ft 6ins fence, the other sighting was last week by a lady who works at the school and this was in broad daylight and one was chasing the sheep. There have been numerous reports of domestic cats which have disappeared also in the village. The thought is it may be a black leopard as one of them was sighted in Hollingbourne which is a village nearby and black leopard's have a range of about 30 miles.
As far as escapee from a zoo V_R it is more likely that its parents were released into the wild in the 1970's when it was mandatory to have exotic dangerous animals licenced so many owners released them and now it looks like they are becoming a problem here is a website investigating the issue I have to admit it is the first time I have become aware of a problem I always thought it was peoples imagination, but now I have seen it for my self.
If you see its head sticking over a 3 and a half foot in serious danger leggit. Very quickly, lol.