BG II -freezing

Jul 4, 2005
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I have a problem with BG II, I can play for 5-15 minutes then the game totaly freezes. The whole computer just locks down and I can't do a thing, only push the reset button and restart the whole thing.The OS is WINXP whit service pack 2 installd. I have even tried to install VMware and runBG II on an win98IIse installation but it is the same thing. The whole computer freezes only faster after about 5 minutes and I can't even exit WMvare all I can do is to reset the computer and start xp all over again. The hardware is an Athlon XP 2600, 512MB of RAM, GeForce FX5200 all drivers and so should be up to date, and all other programs works just fine. Anyone who have an idea? I would realy like to play the game to the end at least one time...
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