BEWARE PC's got 4 trojans on WCG

Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
Not sure to post this but as I have just run SUPERAntispyware and Mailware both my PC and the Wifes had 4 Trrojan. agent/ viruses in our WCG files but worth checking if your crunchers:cry:
Clean Energy, E213568_983_C.33.C3H2INSi.2.set1do6_0
Human Proteome qu300_00007_0
Drug Search for Lash DFSL_oo80-22_0000004_0179_1
Go fight against Malaria GFXM_x!Z57-hCLK_0112230_0119_1
There may be a false positive in SAS latest update as I also have the Trojan.agent/Gen-ZBot actually in the Superantispyware folder..:rolleyes:
Thanks for the heads up. Running an SAS scan now and shall report back...
No problems on my pc. well except for about 50 adware tracking cookies since installing Google Chrome this evening :fool:
Thanks for the heads up bootneck - I suspect it's a false positive, as the WCG dada is so large and small parts can match the signatures of malware. I did a quick scan and it looks like quite a few people have had the same false positive match with SAS:

No harm in clearing those particular files just in case, but wanted to post this to re-assure you that you're most likely fine :thumb:.

A really good site to double check files is - you can upload it there and then a huge number of AV apps will scan it for you :).
Tracking cookies really are harmless, but I suppose it looks good to 'find' them.

Tell SAS to not bother looking by untick "Scan for Tracking Cookies". :)

Are cookies really spyware and are they dangerous?

This subject has been the debate of many newsgroups and online forums. Cookies are simply text files stored on your hard drive and cannot themselves harm your computer in any way. Typically cookies are used to remember logins and keep track of user settings on web-sites.

Cookies can be used to track your movement on the Internet ONLY if a site is aware of the cookies and is designed to use the specific cookies. Because of their use in tracking, many feel that this constitutes spyware.

We do not consider cookies to be threats of anywhere near the same level of severity as actual malware threats that can steal real personal information, serve ads, or render a computer unusable.

SUPERAntiSpyware will detect tracking cookies as "Adware.Tracking Cookies" and you can choose to remove them or leave them on your system. You may turn off this feature in the Preferences -> Scanning Control tab of SUPERAntiSpyware should you not wish cookies to be scanned, detected and removed.
