don't know yet... presumably we'll find out when he comes back...
I thought he became a Cyborg in 2021 and revived The Dick Cheney AI
program to launch the last all-out global thermonuclear war? After G.W.
declared himself dictator in 2008 and the world economy imploded when the
United States collapsed from over-borrowing and over-spending, the
machines were destroyed before they could take advantage of the large
neural nets. With the aid of the Galactic Republican Aliens, the country's
networks were eradicated in one instant with a giant thermonuclear-induced
magnetic pulse.
Teh Galactic Space Aliens showed President Schwarzenegger that removing
human brains was far more efficient for storing data as the puny weak
humans were only able to utitlize a little more than 10% of the capacity
and power of their minds. Fortunately, when robot DeLay had himself
declared legally untouchable by virtue of joining the League of Cyborg
Representatives, the viruses were completely rendered moot as he seemed a
natural attractor for such malicious code. it seemd the code felt a
certain comradery with the Cyborg Representative.
An unfortunate side-effect was that all humans were immediately ordered
dissected and their cranial cavities were filled with old re-runs of Fox
News broadcasts. It proved easier to subjugate them if they were incapable
of independent thought, and the Galactic Republican Space Aliens were
pleased by their new Cyborg pets.
The first step in the new subjugation scheme was the drug recombanants
sold to the public as "miracle pills" to stop smoking, lose weight, cure
heart disease, become popular, get rich and other deception in order to
make the public docile in time for the Galactic Republican Aliens to
enable the data transfer of the political leadership to Cyborg leaders who
could then consume human brain-matter for data storage.
Oh, sorry, sorry, the tin foil hat was on too tight. Back to your
regularly scheduled slice of reality: "It's only a nightmare when you
become an unperson."