McAfee, Trendmicro and Kaspersky affected
By Kieren McCarthy, Techworld
The very software designed to protect your system may be used to bring it
down, researchers have discovered.
So far, leading anti-virus software from McAfee, Trendmicro and Kaspersky
has been found to contain a vulnerability in its scanning technology that
can see a network grind to a halt with a full file system and no spare
processing power.
AERAsec has listed McAfee Virus Scan for Linux v4.16.0, Trend Micro
InterScan VirusWall 3.8 Build 1130 and Kaspersky AntiVirus for Linux
as definitely containing the hole but warns that other versions will
probably contain the same problem. The issue itself is the decompression
engine included in the software which is using to open archives prior to
being searched for a virus. There are missing limits when bzip2 files are
checked, so an over-large file can be designed to eat up huge amounts of
disk space and processing power - in effect a denial-of-service attack. Huge
files of nothing but, say, zeros can be compressed to a tiny size, making a
malicious attack easy and feasible.
By Kieren McCarthy, Techworld
The very software designed to protect your system may be used to bring it
down, researchers have discovered.
So far, leading anti-virus software from McAfee, Trendmicro and Kaspersky
has been found to contain a vulnerability in its scanning technology that
can see a network grind to a halt with a full file system and no spare
processing power.
AERAsec has listed McAfee Virus Scan for Linux v4.16.0, Trend Micro
InterScan VirusWall 3.8 Build 1130 and Kaspersky AntiVirus for Linux
as definitely containing the hole but warns that other versions will
probably contain the same problem. The issue itself is the decompression
engine included in the software which is using to open archives prior to
being searched for a virus. There are missing limits when bzip2 files are
checked, so an over-large file can be designed to eat up huge amounts of
disk space and processing power - in effect a denial-of-service attack. Huge
files of nothing but, say, zeros can be compressed to a tiny size, making a
malicious attack easy and feasible.