Which is the better card to buy :
9500 PRO or 9600 PRO?
9500 PRO or 9600 PRO?
9500 pro = better performance, but requires a separate connection to the
main PSU via an on board connector.
9600 pro = less heat and (usually) non of the weird psu tomfoolery.
9500 PRO can be made faster via an unsupported ROM which unlocks the
additional pipelines and enables overclocking (cant remember the
website).... your 9500 pro them appears as a 9700 pro in properties
(although it isn't nearly as fast, but still significantly faster than an
unhacked 9500 pro).
don't think 9600 PRO allow much of these extra goodies because it only has 4
pipelines on the hardware and ATI have become wise to it all and added
additional locks (whispers 'I think').