I have a class which has a private variable as follows (where
EntityAttachedDocument is another class in the project):
Private _EntityAttachedDocuments As List(Of EntityAttachedDocument)
In addition, I have two methods as follows:
Public Sub RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved(ByVal sAttachdDocumentsFolder As
For Each oDoc As EntityAttachedDocument In _EntityAttachedDocuments
If (oDoc.IsToBeRemoved = True) Then
RemoveEntityAttachedDocument(oDoc, sAttachdDocumentsFolder)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveEntityAttachedDocument( _
ByVal oEntityAttachedDocumentToRemove As EntityAttachedDocument, _
ByVal sAttachedDocsFolder As String)
Dim sFilenameToRemove As String
For Each oEntityAttachedDocument As EntityAttachedDocument In
If (oEntityAttachedDocument.UniqueID =
oEntityAttachedDocumentToRemove.UniqueID) Then
sFilenameToRemove = oEntityAttachedDocument.DocumentFilename
' If we're not dealing with a NEW Attached Doc, then delete the
corresponding EntityAttachedDocument record
If (oEntityAttachedDocument.IsNew = False) Then
End If
' Only attempt to delete the document if 1) sAttachedDocsFolder
is not blank, 2) document actually exists,
' and 3) IsNew = False (since, if IsNew = True, document has not
been copied to the folder yet).
If (sAttachedDocsFolder.Length > 0) AndAlso
(_RemovedDocumentsShouldBeDeleted = True) AndAlso
(oEntityAttachedDocument.IsNew = False) Then
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(sAttachedDocsFolder &
sFilenameToRemove)) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(sAttachedDocsFolder &
sFilenameToRemove, FileIO.UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs,
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End If
' If we got here, then we never found the EntityAttachedDocument, so
couldn't remove...
End Sub
The first method is attempting to remove from the
EntityAttachedDocument list all EntityAttachedDocument items
whose IsToBeRemoved property is true. To actually perform the removal,
the RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved method
calls the RemoveEntityAttachedDocument method.
Well, this results in a runtime error (related to "collection was
modified") since the RemoveEntityAttachedDocument
method ends up removing an item from the list that
RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved was iterating through. Now, I'm sure
that one solution would be to copy the code from the inside of the
For...Next loop in RemoveEntityAttachedDocument
and reproduce it in the For...Next loop in RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved.
However, I don't like that and I'm thinking that there has to be a
better way.
Any suggestions?
EntityAttachedDocument is another class in the project):
Private _EntityAttachedDocuments As List(Of EntityAttachedDocument)
In addition, I have two methods as follows:
Public Sub RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved(ByVal sAttachdDocumentsFolder As
For Each oDoc As EntityAttachedDocument In _EntityAttachedDocuments
If (oDoc.IsToBeRemoved = True) Then
RemoveEntityAttachedDocument(oDoc, sAttachdDocumentsFolder)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveEntityAttachedDocument( _
ByVal oEntityAttachedDocumentToRemove As EntityAttachedDocument, _
ByVal sAttachedDocsFolder As String)
Dim sFilenameToRemove As String
For Each oEntityAttachedDocument As EntityAttachedDocument In
If (oEntityAttachedDocument.UniqueID =
oEntityAttachedDocumentToRemove.UniqueID) Then
sFilenameToRemove = oEntityAttachedDocument.DocumentFilename
' If we're not dealing with a NEW Attached Doc, then delete the
corresponding EntityAttachedDocument record
If (oEntityAttachedDocument.IsNew = False) Then
End If
' Only attempt to delete the document if 1) sAttachedDocsFolder
is not blank, 2) document actually exists,
' and 3) IsNew = False (since, if IsNew = True, document has not
been copied to the folder yet).
If (sAttachedDocsFolder.Length > 0) AndAlso
(_RemovedDocumentsShouldBeDeleted = True) AndAlso
(oEntityAttachedDocument.IsNew = False) Then
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(sAttachedDocsFolder &
sFilenameToRemove)) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(sAttachedDocsFolder &
sFilenameToRemove, FileIO.UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs,
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End If
' If we got here, then we never found the EntityAttachedDocument, so
couldn't remove...
End Sub
The first method is attempting to remove from the
EntityAttachedDocument list all EntityAttachedDocument items
whose IsToBeRemoved property is true. To actually perform the removal,
the RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved method
calls the RemoveEntityAttachedDocument method.
Well, this results in a runtime error (related to "collection was
modified") since the RemoveEntityAttachedDocument
method ends up removing an item from the list that
RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved was iterating through. Now, I'm sure
that one solution would be to copy the code from the inside of the
For...Next loop in RemoveEntityAttachedDocument
and reproduce it in the For...Next loop in RemoveDocumentsToBeRemoved.
However, I don't like that and I'm thinking that there has to be a
better way.
Any suggestions?