Better picture quality

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I am trying to create a slide show of old photos that were scanned and saved as jpegs or bitmaps. The images look good in preview but when I play the movie some of the images get very pixelated. Any suggestions on improving the quality of my images?

When I first started using MM2, I was very dissapointed to see the hazy pic's in the play back, too. However, once I burned it to DVD, it was as crisp as ever. I don't know the technical term for it, but all my slide shows are blury in playback until I save them to my computer, and burn to DVD, or CD. Then, when I play them back on my TV, they are crisp

Hope this is some help.
Hello there,

One way that your circumstances would occur is if the original picture
images are rather small. A small image would look fine in preview because
preview is itself small, but expand that to the full screen and you would
have a pixilated image.

If the above is the case then you need to rescan the images using a higher

A discussion on resolution and quality can be found in the FAQ section of
my web site

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Hi there,

(1) Are all of the images equally distorted ?
(2) Are all of the images of equal size/resolution/etc ?
(3) Did you play with their briteness/contrast settings ?

I find that the more I fiddle with briteness/contrast
settings, the more "graininess" I introduce -- both with
stills and videos... especially if the stills are low-res
to start with, or if the videos are initially very dark
to start with.

-----Original Message-----
I am trying to create a slide show of old photos that
were scanned and saved as jpegs or bitmaps. The images
look good in preview but when I play the movie some of
the images get very pixelated. Any suggestions on
improving the quality of my images?
I'm having the same problem. 300 dpi jpgs are pixelated
once they are pulled up in Movie Maker. Thanks for your

-----Original Message-----
I am trying to create a slide show of old photos that
were scanned and saved as jpegs or bitmaps. The images
look good in preview but when I play the movie some of
the images get very pixelated. Any suggestions on
improving the quality of my images?
If the overall dimensions of the jpgs is 800x600 pixels or more, then do a
test of the whole process. MM2 uses a lower quality preview mode, so you
need to assess your results in the final saved movie.... and saving it with
a high quality setting.

A video with DVD quality 640x480 will have less quality than a high
resolution picture.... if you are doing slide-shows with still pictures,
check my PhotoStory site.... if you want the extras that come with MM2, and
want to notch up the quality of still pictures, then check the Saving Movies
Custom WMV Profiles page of my MM2 site.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Hello there,

You should take note that it is not just the dpi thats important....for an
extreme example you could have a scanned image at 300dpi that is only 1Kb
in size...that would look very grainy..

A quick look at the Movie Maker FAQ on my website (see Pixels & Quality)
might be of some help.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
John, I hate to reply to your posts as it ends up in a brawl...

But please explain how is it possible to scan an image at 300dpi that has so
small a size? I am just confused not trying to pick on you.
