1) How long have you been off your neuroleptic medication? I don't see any
other way to explain your grandiose delusions.
2) Don't you get tired of it when the police take you into the city teaching
hospital and they hold you for a specified period for observation?
3) Are you in China where free speech results in arrest and torture? There
have been rumblings that MSFT is a little conscious of what happens to
students when they report their MSN searches to the Chinese government.
4) At what point and place did you delusionallly see the vision that I ever
said "I hate MSFT"?
5) Did you miss literally hundreds of posts where I am drawn particularly to
recovering MSFT Windows when people either can't install Vista or XP in
other groups or can't recover it?
6) At what point did you delusionally see the vision that I ever said "I
hate Republicans."
7) Given that the Republican members of the House and Senate have been
processed and now admitted into the same prison context where they held the
Democrats for years since 1994, the Democrats are now in control of the
House and Senate. 2nd grade math has been a difficult process for some
people to overcome at times here, but George Allen is over 6000 votes down
in the final count. A recount cannot possibly make that amounts of votes up
for him, and while he could pick up some votes, so will Webb. The
historical precedent since the Civil War that if the party out of the
majority takes one chamber, it takes the other is intact now.
The Democrats will control the following and more but they will do it with
more comity and less acrimony than has been done in the last 10 years:
*Every Committee Chairmanship
*Every Bill that does or does not get to the floor of the House or the
Senate (That'd be Speaker Pellosi and House Majority Leader Reed unless
someone besides Harry Reed is chosen in the Senate by the Dems
*When and how long the Republicans can speek in Committees and sub-commitees
and when and if a committee meeting is held or not held
*The agenda of each Committee
*Every set of ground rules for Conference Committee (I know you don't
understand the concept of Conference Commitee where every substantive bill
ends up and only the conferees know what goes on or is traded; no House
version of a bill ever makes it out of Conference Commitee without being
modified by the Senate)
*Every subpoena, every contempt order for ignoring the subpoena
*The numbers of staff and funding for staff
*Office space assignments
*The selection of House Speaker and Commitee Assignments
*The Selection of Senate Majority Leader
*Spending or what the Founders called the Power of the Purse--virtually
every bit of funding for the government is under the control of the
Democratic majority in the House and the Senate
Being happy about this and thinking it is in the best interests of my
country does not translate into "hating Republicans" but I understand that
people like you and Anne Coulter think monolithically on a reptilian brain
level. You have to work with your therapist to see if some of the impusive
perceptions that originate in your hypothalamus can be vetted by a higher
level in the neighborhood of the cortex.
Kevin, after years of therapy, and if you stay on your medication like a
good boy, you may (I'm not optimistic) be able to discern constructive
criticism (and we've tried to educate you in this) who try to make the OS
or other software as good as they can with every means at their disposal who
don't work on the Redmond campus and people who are flaming MSFT for a
flame's sake and cannot be happy with Windows no matter what gets fixed. It
would be helpful for you to ask around and try to get a definition of a MSFT
syncophant so that you can distinguish this concept from people who are
trained to look at the software critically.
Constructive criticism is not hate Kevin. You'll have to work through your
parenting with your therapist/shrink. We can't do it here.
MSFT is a large company. Google it or check it out at if you
need to. I know a number of them and most of the people I know there
welcome cricticism. Others don't. They are particularly sensitive to the
providing of an OS media by OEMs because they consider that a real cash cow.
OEM profits from Windows sales and Office preloaded rose 20% last quarter,
and retail profits for the same category took a 20% dive.
They are loath to discuss the outsourced Convergys PSS or Phone Support that
is reprehensible the worst possible quality and doesn't compare to the
quality of support many of us provide here, but privately many of them will
admit 1) they know it's eggregiously pathetic 2) It has no role in their
lives at MSFT, and is a business decision ( a bad one) that they have no
control over.
8) Besides your juvenile posts where you play a little boy's game of
policeman have you ever tried to post in the direction of helping someone
overcome a problem on this group or to use Vista in a better way? I can't
find any of those using View>find on any of the groups.