Beta Spyware

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ryan S
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Ryan S

I'm trying to install the new Microsoft Spyware on a
computer running Windows XP. It verifies genuine
Microsoft products and then takes me to the download
screen. I click on download and then another window
opens up but it is blank inside other than one of those
squares with a 3 shapes in it (what appears when a
graphic doesn't appear correctly). I have tried
disabling all of my security and firewall settings, I
have even tried holding down the control button during
installiation. All to no avail. Someone please help!
Thank you.

What browser are you using?

Can you simply try again, perhaps with a different browser? Folks have
verified that the Genuine validation process works with both Internet
Explorer and Firefox, but this process isn't required at this point--you can
download without verifying.
I was using Internet Explorer 6.0 . According to the
instructions that browswer should be ok. I tried it once
by verifiing and then another time not verifing it. It
worked fine on my comptuer. I'm trying to get this done
on my Mom's computer. It is getting quite frusterating.

That should be a fine browser.

I can't tell from your description exactly where the problem is.

I would recommend downloading and saving to your mom's desktop, and then
running the file that gets placed on the desktop by the download. Once it
is installed, you can delete that file to clean up the desktop.

Alternatively, if you can get the program there another way--say via a
CD--that should work too--there's nothing specific about the download
file--it can be used on any machine.