Beta fails to locate spyware

  • Thread starter Thread starter ken foster
  • Start date Start date

ken foster

I have noticed on more than one occasion the beta does not
catch spyware that others do. I have a screen shot that
documents this. If someone from Microsoft would like to
contact me I can provide you log files etc so you can
attempts an effort to determine if it s confign issue or
absent definitions in the scan engine. Please email me
(e-mail address removed)

Current beta builds of Microsoft Antispyware do not scan for cookies.

Check your logs and see whether the items detected are cookies or data
miners--if so, this is to be expected.

Otherwise, submitting a Tools, suspected spyware report and delineating the
items found, or attaching your documentation (not sure if that's
possible??)--would be a good way to get this information in.
-----Original Message-----
I have noticed on more than one occasion the beta does not
catch spyware that others do. I have a screen shot that
documents this. If someone from Microsoft would like to
contact me I can provide you log files etc so you can
attempts an effort to determine if it s confign issue or
absent definitions in the scan engine. Please email me
(e-mail address removed)

thanks Mine does the same.I also have adaware that
cathes all the threats.Beta has not got one since