beta antispyware doesn't recognize other users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dale Swinford
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Dale Swinford

I downloaded the beta and installed it (XP SP2). All went
well with initial scan...looks to be a very useful tool.

However, when I restarted my machine and logged on as a
different user (my wife), the program pops up a window
that says an attempt has been made to change the default
Start Page in IE...from my Start Page to my wife's Start

I regard this "attempt" as *normal* and *proper* behavior,
and I think it would be cool if the program understood
that different users of the same machine might have
differing browser settings.

I hope this is an appropriate place to post this, because
I've been unable to find out where (or if) Microsoft is
soliciting "beta" feedback.
You are in the right place. Microsoft does read these groups, and postings
here will affect the course of the beta. The lack of multi-user awareness
is definitely much-requested--thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for the FAQs.

Curiously, when I remain logged on, and simply Switch
User, a big green checkmark popup appears saying "a switch
in the Start Page has been allowed".

I'm wondering if this is a result of my wife's settings
having been saved this time? When I posted earlier, that
was a result of the *first* logon to her User; maybe going
back and forth between users is really not as bad as I
thought (although the big green popup to report "No
Problem" might not actually be "needed". IOW, in the UI
(of *any* program), I don't expect to see "WARNING: bridge
is NOT out ahead" type of messages.

Thanks for listening.
I haven't experimented enough with this setup to really understand the
behavior. I have seen some sentiment/discussion that it might be useful to
have a switch to limit the "talkiness" of the program--the prompts you are
seeing might be ones that many users would agree don't need to be made.

So--maybe it really is working reasonably well, just a little too