Best way to use .Net Configuration From Outlook Add-In?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Newby
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Chris Newby

I've been building an Outlook Add-In using .Net and I've come to the point
were I'd like to start integrating it with the rest of our .Net-based
application framework (our DAL, BLL, etc.). One clear problem is that our
existing application framework relies exlcusively on the .Net configuration
system for configuration.

But this add-in is executing as a COM app. Is there a way I can cleanly use
our existing .Net-based configuration? or will I have to write a parallel
version for COM?

I had this same problem years ago, and in fact wrote a parallel version for
COM ... but I was hoping someone might shed some new light on this as that
solution then was somewhat lacking in elegance and would be relatively work
intensive in my case today.

Of course, I could always name my config file Outlook.exe.config and put it
in the same directory as Outlook.exe ... Duh ... :)