Brian Henry
I need to have an app that will have a queue, but sit dormant until
something is placed in that queue, when it realizes the queue has items
waiting start executeing the processes for thoes items... whats the best way
to do this? I tried do loops and some attempts at threats for this... do
loops uses process speed up cause of the constant execuation which i dont
want... does anyone know of a way to instantaniously find out if a queue has
an item enqueued? and run a process.. thanks!
something is placed in that queue, when it realizes the queue has items
waiting start executeing the processes for thoes items... whats the best way
to do this? I tried do loops and some attempts at threats for this... do
loops uses process speed up cause of the constant execuation which i dont
want... does anyone know of a way to instantaniously find out if a queue has
an item enqueued? and run a process.. thanks!