Best way to show mulitple column data

  • Thread starter Jwalant Natvarlal Soneji
  • Start date

Jwalant Natvarlal Soneji

Dear friends,
I have used datagrid in for almost every possible use.
But in windows forms it comes in a different manner.
Can someone please suggest me what to use to show data from multiple
columns (as in general... order id, sales id, order name, person
name..)? Is datagrid is the only option in windows forms? What is the
best way of using datagrid?
thanks in advance.

Mr. Arnold

Jwalant Natvarlal Soneji said:
Dear friends,
I have used datagrid in for almost every possible use.
But in windows forms it comes in a different manner.
Can someone please suggest me what to use to show data from multiple
columns (as in general... order id, sales id, order name, person
name..)? Is datagrid is the only option in windows forms? What is the
best way of using datagrid?
thanks in advance.


You should figure out how to use it. I am sure you'll find examples using

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