Best way to reformat HD.

  • Thread starter Thread starter PVR
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I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the experts
cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is causing my
problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the distribution CD
followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the backups.

Is this OK?

PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the
experts cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is
causing my problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the
distribution CD > followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the

Is this OK?


From what command prompt to you propose to format?
If you are talking about Start | Run |Cmd
then you need to reconsider, for you can't format a Windows System
disk/partition that way.
If you have a "restore" disk, the "best" method is to follow the directions
that came with your PC.
For Retail versions of Windows, the usual and accustomed method is to boot
from your Windows CD and format from there.
PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the
experts cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is
causing my problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the
distribution CD followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the

Is this OK?

Don't bother with backing up the "program files" folder unless you have data
in there - you will have to re-install all your programs anyway.....
PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the
experts cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is
causing my problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the
distribution CD followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the

Is this OK?


And you won't be able to format from the command prompt either....
You can't format the C: drive from within XP, you will need to do it prior
to install. It is also pointless saving program files because you will be
re-installing XP and will also need to re-install your programs. The only
files you need be bothered about are documents that you have created. This
can include letters, accounting files (if you have any) excel files etc.

For the next step i suggest you visit my website

On my site click the Win FAQ button and take a look at questions 7 for
formatting and 85 for installing XP from a retail copy CD of XP.

If you don't have a retail copy, your computer hsould have come with either
recovery disks or a recovery partition. I suggest you read your PC's user
manual to see how to re-install the operating system from recovery disks or
a recovery partition. If you have recovery disks or a recovery partition you
'do not' need to format the drive. The recovery disks/partition will do all
that is necessary.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

The information in this mail/post is supplied "as is". No warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy,
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use of, or inability to use, information or opinions expressed in this
PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD.

Why? What makes you think so? It's seldom true (see below).

Is there a recommended "best" way to do
this? Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files'

No, that's useless. When you format and reinstall Windows, all of the
registry entries (and other files) pointing to your installed programs will
be lost. After a reformat and reinstall, all your programs will also have to
be reinstalled.

You can backup and save your data, but not your programs.

'Documents and Settings' folders followed by a format from the
Command Prompt.

No, you can't format from the Windows command prompt. See below.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the
experts cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever
is causing my problems.

What experts have you tried? Where? If your problem is malware, and you
don't find out what it is and how you got it, my guess is that after
reformatting and reinstalling, you will very likely repeat the behavior that
got you infected, and shortly find yourself back in the same situation.
That's one of the reasons I don't believe in doing this to solve such

Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the
distribution CD followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of
the backups.
Is this OK?

My standard post on this subject follows:
You can't format the Windows drive from within Windows, since that would
leave Windows without a leg to stand on.

Just boot from the Windows XP CD (change the BIOS boot order if necessary to
accomplish this) and follow the prompts for a clean installation (delete the
existing partition by pressing "D" when prompted, then create a new one).

You can find detailed instructions here:

or here

or here

However why do you want to reformat and reinstall? In my view, it's usually
a mistake. With a modicum of care, it should never be necessary to reinstall
Windows (XP or any other version). I've run Windows 3.0, 3.1, WFWG 3.11,
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, each for the period of
time before the next version came out, and each on two machines here. I
never reinstalled any of them, and I have never had anything more than an
occasional minor problem.

It's my belief that this mistaken notion stems from the technical support
people at many of the larger OEMs. Their solution to almost any problem they
don't quickly know the answer to is "reformat and reinstall." That's the
perfect solution for them. It gets you off the phone quickly, it almost
always works, and it doesn't require them to do any real troubleshooting (a
skill that most of them obviously don't possess in any great degree).

But it leaves you with all the work and all the problems. You have to
restore all your data backups, you have to reinstall all your programs, you
have to reinstall all the Windows and application updates,you have to locate
and install all the needed drivers for your system, you have to recustomize
Windows and all your apps to work the way you're comfortable with.

Besides all those things being time-consuming and troublesome, you may have
trouble with some of them: can you find all your application CDs? Can you
find all the needed installation codes? Do you have data backups to restore?
Do you even remember all the customizations and tweaks you may have
installed to make everything work the way you like? Occasionally there are
problems that are so difficult to solve that Windows should be reinstalled
cleanly. But they are few and far between; reinstallation should not be a
substitute for troubleshooting; it should be a last resort, to be done only
after all other attempts at troubleshooting by a qualified person have

If you have problems, post them here; it's likely that someone can help you
and a reinstallation won't be required.
Ken gave you the info but don't forget to check the files that you are going to
backup with a good [Malware,Spyware, Anti-virus program] or you will get your enemy
back and healthy.
* Ayush [ Be ''?'' Happy ]

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Replied To :

:I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
: Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
: and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.
: The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the experts
: cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is causing my
: problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the distribution CD
: followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the backups.
: Is this OK?
: Peter.
The best way is for me:
(and if your file system is FAT32)
boot using windows 98 startup disk, select the first option (start with
CD-ROM support), then type "c:", then "Format c:"
It is called low level formatting, and as with other formatting process,
will delete all of your data (if you format it by High-level formatting (from
WinXP), you can still recover the data using special program). But I heard
this process will delete the data completely (unrecoverable).
Alternative of low-level format is using windows xp CD, but after
formatting, the installation will begin immediately, and you'll have
difficulties to stop the installation. Use this if after formatting you want
to install XP.

For me, personally I prefer using win98 bootdisk
PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the experts
cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is causing my
problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the distribution CD
followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the backups.

Is this OK?


After backing up any important data (no point in backing up the
Program Files folder, everything will be to be reinstalled from the
original media, anyway.), simply boot from the WinXP installation CD.
You'll be offered the opportunity to delete, create, and format
partitions as part of the installation process. (You may need to
re-arrange the order of boot devices in the PC's BIOS to boot from the CD.)

HOW TO Install Windows XP;en-us;316941


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell
I'm thinking that if you are posting in the "newusers" group, perhaps you
shouldn't be thinking of reformatting your drive. There are a LOT of free
anti spy, malware, etc., etc. out there and I would really, really search
them out and run them prior to even thinking about a disk reformat!

PVR said:
I need to reformat my HD. Is there a recommended "best" way to do this?
Right now I am planning on a backup of the 'Program Files' and 'Documents
and Settings' folders followed by a format from the Command Prompt.

The reason for this is I seem to have picked up a malware which the
experts cannot solve. I am assuming a reformat will remove whatever is
causing my problems. Then I shall reinstall Windows XP from the
distribution CD followed by reinstalls of software and a restore of the

Is this OK?

Peter, I support those responders that advise against reformatting. In your
quest for free removal tools, I suggest that you check each against the list
of rouge programs that will only install more. You can check against the
'bad' guys on this site:
I've only just spotted this thread so apologies if I suggest something
that's already been covered.

The best way I've found is to install all your software to a fresh hard
disk. When you have updated Windows, antivirus and antispyware reconnect
the old hard drive and scan for viruses and spyware. Only then copy all
your data files across.

Once the hard disk has been reformatted all data is lost. The big advantage
of this method is that it provides a 'backup' so if you don't copy all your
data across you wont have lost it. (You may not know where all your data
is - and some may be lurking in odd places.) The additional cost could be
less than £30.


Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions