Iain Simpson
I am making use of a proxy to refresh certain areas of a webpage every
second. From the point of view of the website in question, this is not
a problem, however I feel it must put a significant load on my ISPs
DNS server, making requests every second to refresh.websitename.com
(sometimes www.websitename.com, or cache.websitename.com when grabbing
required graphics etc).
Will this be putting a load on the server that could lead to my IP
address being blocked (can they even do that)? i.e. does the host get
resolved on every request?
What is the best way to minimise the load? Use of the Windows hosts
My ISP DNS server does not seem that reliable and I regularly get
"unable to resolve hostname" errors. I switched to a public DNS server
yesterday and those errors disappeared, however this morning I was no
longer able to use the public DNS server. Could they have blocked my
IP address due to excessive usage?
I understand, and agree, that I should not be using a DNS server other
than that provided by my ISP, it was simply for test purposes to prove
the root cause. I am now in the process of switching ISPs.
second. From the point of view of the website in question, this is not
a problem, however I feel it must put a significant load on my ISPs
DNS server, making requests every second to refresh.websitename.com
(sometimes www.websitename.com, or cache.websitename.com when grabbing
required graphics etc).
Will this be putting a load on the server that could lead to my IP
address being blocked (can they even do that)? i.e. does the host get
resolved on every request?
What is the best way to minimise the load? Use of the Windows hosts
My ISP DNS server does not seem that reliable and I regularly get
"unable to resolve hostname" errors. I switched to a public DNS server
yesterday and those errors disappeared, however this morning I was no
longer able to use the public DNS server. Could they have blocked my
IP address due to excessive usage?
I understand, and agree, that I should not be using a DNS server other
than that provided by my ISP, it was simply for test purposes to prove
the root cause. I am now in the process of switching ISPs.