Best Way to Prevent Caching of Web Pages

  • Thread starter Thread starter theskarnes
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I have done research in this group and want to make sure the
solution below is still a good one to prevent my pages from caching
since my client keeps telling me she can't see the changes being done
to her website. Also since the date is in the past does this affect the
search engines from indexing the page?

<META http-equiv="Expires" content="Mon, 1 Jan 2005 00:00:00 GMT"> -
prior to today
<META http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> - do not cache this page

Yes those will work. However, understand that you've now just slowed the site down for each page that is visited. W/o cache all
content must be re-download each time the page is visited.

It will have no affect on the SEO.
A very timely article - as I am having this precise same issue. Mike, is
there a way to force just a specific PAGE to refresh (e.g., not cache)? Maybe
you can better explain what the issue is here and a "better approach"? To be
clear, when I PUBLISH changes to my site, the client does not see them unless
they force a REFRESH in their AOL browser ... F5 Key ... This occurs
regardless of whether I publish a small change (text change) or anything
significant (new layout or frames).

Thanks in advance - Cody
That is a AOL issue. AOL like other ISP cache page to reduce their bandwidth cost. If you client has
an option to use a local ISP they will be better off.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network