best way to navigate sub forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter wessd
  • Start date Start date


First, thanx to those who offered help, it worked.....

now, new issue:

I have the main RO form, with the membrane as a sub form...

I tab into the sub form, (Thanx for the instructions!!!!!) then enter
my membranes......(yuck)

When I'm done entering those membranes, I need a halfway elegant way
to leave the subform, updating the records in it, and reentering the
main RO form with a new blank form....

As it stands now, I can actually leave the sub form without updating
it (I think) and I have to manually click the little record button.

Am I halfway clear on this ?

WessD Fly NAVY!!!!!
If your subform is bound to a table/query, then it updates each time you
complete a record (row).

To jump back to the main form, put a command button there, with a hot key in
its label. For example, set the command button's Caption to:
Pressing Alt+N will jump back to the main form.

Since you also want this to go to a new record in the main form, you could
set the button's On Click property to:
[Event Procedure]
Then click the Build button (...) beside that.
Access opens the code window.
Set up the code like this:

Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then 'Save first.
Me.Dirty = True
End If
If Me.NewRecord Then
RunCommand acCmdRecordsGotoNew
End If
End Sub
While this is straying, and I think I have seen this same question
somewhere, I want to SHOW the results of that form/subform data

as in....

RO form with all the ro data,

and the up to 9 membranes listed in box on that form....

the user presses a print button(i got that working) and shazam!!!!

off the printer comes the printed form of ro info and attached

I have everything working, and this is just icing.....

my reports work fine, so I am getting what I want....

but the reports seem to not just report the single record I want with
just a key click..... and........the aren't pretty enough for what I

the printed screen shot of the form is exactly what I need, if I can
get the list of membranes.

Thanks for all your help......and these are my last questions....
before retreating into my cave for the winter...

wessD Fly NavAir!!!!!!
For the report, create a query that contains both tables - RO and Membrane.
You can then set it up so that it shows the RO items in a Group Header
section (Sorting And Grouping box is on View menu in report design), and the
Membrane details in the Detail section.

For code to fire off just the RO record in the form instead of all records,
Print the record in the form

You might see my laptop in that cave over the winter: it's always wanting to
go into hibernation too. :-)
You might see my laptop in that cave over the winter: it's always wanting to
go into hibernation too. :-)

No questions right now, just a thank you.

You've been a big help....

Merry christmas or happy whatever you celibrate....

WessD Fly NAVY!!!!!!
You might see my laptop in that cave over the winter: it's always wanting to
go into hibernation too. :-)

I just noticed, you're in australia....
aren't you going into spring there ?

What is spring like down there ?

Isn't it just hot with hot and more hot as seasons ?

uh, hoards of rampaging koalas and kangaroos ?

Just kidding, I would sell a kidney to come down there....
the pictures and movies make it look so pretty and peacfull.....

Yep: summer has just arrived with a vengence: 105 degrees this week in Perth
(hottest Dec day for 20+ years).

If you ever make it to Perth, there is a spot where I can show you kangaroos
on the streets at dusk (near the TV studios). :-)
Yep: summer has just arrived with a vengence: 105 degrees this week in Perth
(hottest Dec day for 20+ years).

If you ever make it to Perth, there is a spot where I can show you kangaroos
on the streets at dusk (near the TV studios). :-)

Wow, you'd feel at home here in the south (of the mason dixon line,
southern america, not peru or anything) and we have deer running amok

huh, ever see a movie ( pretty bad,now that I think bout it) called

Giant pig thing killing off Kangaroo hunters...

How realistic is that, like anybody hunts kangaroos......

but I digress....

I might have asked this already. I have one more tweak to my form as
it's displayed on the screen....I want to show the membranes assigned
to that you may recall, we have a main form with all the ro
detail, and a subform that allows me to enter the membranes on that

I would like a list somehow on the main form , that shows the up to 9
membranes per RO.....Now I know the report does this....but I really
need the form to show this, so that info can be instantly printed

Oh, and who's the next hot austrailian chick to come up here ? just

WessD Fly Navy!!!!!
Razorback: old horrors. 'roos are culled sometimes.

A subform would be the most flexible interface to show many membranes per
RO. A listbox would work if you don't need to modify the list.