Best way to combine data with duplicate entries

  • Thread starter Thread starter Culain
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I have a problem with two lists of data and i need to combine them!

The problem i have is the fact that there is no unique field.
For example column A contains a item code, now each item code in tur
can have numerous print dates and each print date will have its ow
quantity. Now the master list consists of ITEM CODE
and PRINT DATE. The list i am trying to join it to contains
ITEM CODE, PRINT DATE, ONHAND QUANTITY. Now the second list does no
match the master list as when i pull the information out of oracle i
there is no onhand quantity for the item with a print date then it wil
not appear. Thus the need for a master list with every item and prin
date with a onhand quantity.
Before the introduction of the print date i was using this formula
to lookup the item and bring back the onhand quantity and if there wa
not one it would enter 0.
With the inclusion of the print dates the above formula will only brin
back the first quantity of the print dates for each one.

For example.


CF4 03/2004 10
CF4 04/2004 5
CF4 05/2004 200

If my secondary list looked like that and my primary list looked like

CF4 03/2004
CF4 04/2004
CF4 05/2004
CF4 06/2004

My current formula would only bring back

CF4 03/2004 10
CF4 04/2004 10
CF4 05/2004 10
CF4 06/2004 10

Is there anyway round this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Culain.........

It's a bit of a pain, but you might try Concatenation of your key cells
together into one column on both lists and then your VLOOKUP technique may
work better for unique combinations.

Vaya con Dios
Chuck, CABGx3