best way for Replace insensitive in strings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oenone
  • Start date Start date


I wish the search for "SubstringReplaced" to be case insensitive.

Function ReplaceInsensitive(ByVal InputString As String, _
ByVal SubstringReplaced As String,
ByVal Replacement As String) As

Return Replace(InputString, SubStringReplaced, _
Replacement, Compare:=CompareMethod.Text)

End Function
I need to replace all the occurences of a string within another string
(or stringbuilder):

Function ReplaceInsensitive(ByVal InputString As String, _
ByVal SubstringReplaced As
String, _
ByVal Replacement As
String) As String
End Function

I wish the search for "SubstringReplaced" to be case insensitive.

I can think of various way to do it, but all I can think is quite
awkward. Can anybody suggest a good and fast method? There must be
something built in the language, but I am missing it


Function ReplaceInsensitive(ByVal InputString As String, _
SubstringReplaced As String, _
ByVal Replacement As
String) As String

Return InputString.Replace(SubstringReplaced, Replacement)
End Function
The version provided by (O)enone works fine. Thanks for the help!

(Ahmed suggestion is on the right track, omitting the CompareMethod is
like: Compare:=CompareMethod.Binary)

Any hint, instead, for the case when a StringBuilder is used?

Sub ReplaceInsensitive(ByVal Sb As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
ByVal SubstringReplaced As String, _
ByVal Replacement As String)
End Sub

Thank you very much.

mmm ... no, remember the condition that it must be "case insensitive".
I don't see an option to specify it with the StringBuilder Replace
method (but I may be missing it (?) ).


Ahmed ha scritto:
Return Replace(sb.tostring, SubStringReplaced, _
Replacement, Compare:=CompareMethod.Text)
mmm ... Nice try Ahmed, but note that we are working with a
StringBuilder (infact, I proposed a *Sub* and *not* a Function). The
usefulness of a stringbuilder is that we have an immutable string, if
we convert it to a string, there is no point in using a StringBuilder.


Ahmed ha scritto:
Hello Pam-o,

Yer changing schtuff in the string by the very definition of "replace", so
your precious immutable string.. aint so immuted anymore.

A special award to who finds the most efficient method :)

(grabbed from the web, easily adaptable to stringbuilder logic)


'--- Custom Replace Function CReplace
'--- VB.NET Loop Version
'--- intMode = 0 = Case-Sensitive
'--- intMode = 1 = Case-Insensitive
Function CReplace(ByVal strExpression As String, _
ByVal strSearch as String, _
strReplace As String, _
intMode as Integer _
) As String
Dim strReturn as String
Dim lngPosition As Long
Dim strTemp As String

If intMode = 1 Then '--- vbTextCompare
strReturn = ""
strSearch = strSearch.ToUpper()
strTemp = strExpression.ToUpper()
lngPosition = strTemp.IndexOf(strSearch)
Do While lngPosition >= 0
strReturn = strReturn + strExpression.SubString(0,lngPosition) +
strExpression =
strTemp = strTemp.SubString(lngPosition+strSearch.Length)
lngPosition = strTemp.IndexOf(strSearch)
strReturn = strReturn + strExpression
'--- vbBinaryCompare
strReturn = strExpression.Replace(strSearch,strReplace)
End If

CReplace = strReturn
End Function

'--- Custom Replace Function CReplace
'--- VB.NET Recursive Version
'--- intMode = 0 = Case-Sensitive
'--- intMode = 1 = Case-Insensitive
Function CReplace( strExpression As String, _
strSearch as String, _
strReplace As String, _
intMode as Integer _
) As String
Dim strReturn as String
Dim lngPosition As Long
Dim strTemp As String

If intMode = 1 Then '--- vbTextCompare
strTemp = strExpression.ToUpper()
lngPosition = strTemp.IndexOf(strSearch.ToUpper())
If lngPosition >= 0 Then
strTemp = strExpression.Remove(lngPosition,strSearch.Length)
strTemp = strTemp.Insert(lngPosition,strReplace)
strReturn = CReplace(strTemp,strSearch,strReplace,intMode)
strReturn = strExpression
End If
'--- vbBinaryCompare
strReturn = strExpression.Replace(strSearch,strReplace)
End If

CReplace = strReturn
End Function

'--- Custom Replace Function CReplace
'--- VB.NET RegExp Version
'--- intMode = 0 = Case-Sensitive
'--- intMode = 1 = Case-Insensitive
Public Function CReplace(strExpression As String, _
ByVal strSearch As String, _
strReplace As String, _
intMode as Integer _
) As String

Dim strReturn As String
Dim lngPosition As Long
Dim strTemp as String

If intMode=1 Then strSearch=GetCaseInsensitiveSearch(strSearch)

strReturn = Regex.Replace(strExpression,strSearch,strReplace)

CReplace = strReturn

End Function

' Creates a case-insensitive regular expression search string
' For Example:
' "[fF][oO][oO][bB][aA][rR]"= GetCaseInsensitiveSearch("FooBar")
Public Function GetCaseInsensitiveSearch(strSearch As String) As String
Dim strReturn As New String(")
Dim chrCurrent As char
Dim chrLower As char
Dim chrUpper As char
Dim intCounter As Integer

For intCounter = 0 To strSearch.Length-1

chrLower = char.ToLower(chrCurrent)
chrUpper = char.ToUpper(chrCurrent)
If chrUpper = chrLower Then
strReturn = strReturn + chrCurrent
strReturn = strReturn + "[" + chrLower + chrUpper + "]"
End If
GetCaseInsensitiveSearch = strReturn
End Function

for instance:

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