Best Trojan Horse Remover?

Jun 29, 2007
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Well i am new, and i was wondering what the people on this board considered to be the best Trojan Remover or Anti Trojan software out there. It would be helpful for me because i recently found a trojan and manually deleted it but i want to be effectively protected from getting more. So any help will do, thank you.
'elo :wave:

The best anti-nasties program is the one that does the job ... Trojans, by their nature, are not easy to detect in the first place. They are designed to hide, hide their movements and not bring their activity to the attention of the owner.

On a lot of occasions here on PCReview we have had to use several different programs to help eradicate these nasties.

First line of defence is a Firewall ... if you have a modern NAT Router then you are halfway there ... but all good security techs will suggest you compliment that with a software Firewall.

Next on the shopping list is a good Antivirus program ... A few good AVs will also detect other nasties as well as their main job.

To compliment the above, one will need a good anti-malware program ... sad fact is, we usually have two or more installed, but, tend to use one in real-time detection mode and every so often run the others just to be sure.

My personal preferences are ...

Win XP
Kaspersky Internet Security ... an all-in-one Firewall/AV anti-malware program
MS Windows Defender ... real-time scanner
SpywareBlaster ... as & when needed
SpyBotSearch&Destroy ... as & when needed
added to that are
HijackThis ... if I suspect something is no quite right
Trend HouseCall ... online scanner, to double check
Sysinternals ... very informative

Win Vista
Kaspersky Internet Security
MS Windows Defender

not added anything :p

Just installing any of thes programs is not enough, you really need to learn how to use them, and, it goes without say, they need to be maintained and updated.

I will add, I have just about every known anti-nastie program downloaded and save to a 2Gb USB pen drive ... it is continually updated.

Hope that helps ... there are members here who use other combinations of 'protection' for their PCs. You may here from them. ;)


Loads of useful info here .
thank you for the info, i will give these programs a try, but im actually going to be selling this computer, and saving up for the Area-51 7500 from Alienware cause i love my gaming lol.
Monkeyshigan said:
thank you for the info, i will give these programs a try, but im actually going to be selling this computer, and saving up for the Area-51 7500 from Alienware cause i love my gaming lol.
A fool and his money ... you can buy the same PC AND get a monitor & speakers for a £1000 less than that err, silly case.

Still, you could always get 'infected' with any PC you buy.
