Ok, I see.
If I use ReadFile to my driver, then the function call sometimes
with the status that the read was OK. But the returned read byte is
zero. The
buffer allso is empty...
Running the same code as C++ (Rewritten to C++), then the ReadFile
every time with valid data. (So I assume that the driver work fine?)
Why does the ReadFile sometimes fail when used in C#??
I first thought that the buffer used by the ReadFile, somehow got
reallocated by the carbage collector.
But moving the ReadFile to unsafe section and using a fixed byte array
ouput buffer, still makes the ReadFile return with no reads.
When using GetLastError (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()), the error in
is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x80000005)
Why does this only happen in C# and not in C++?
My readfile declaration:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint="ReadFile", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern unsafe int CEReadFile(IntPtr hFile, void*
lpBuffer, int
nNumberOfBytesToRead, int* lpNumberOfBytesRead, int lpOverlapped);
Unsafe function using the readfile:
public unsafe int Read(byte[] buffer)
int n = 0;
fixed (byte* p = new byte[16])
int iReadError = MPC.HAL.StreamInterface.CEReadFile(CANFile, p,
&n, 0);
if (iReadError == 0)
return -1;
if (n == 0)
// Sometime happens, but the readfile status is ok!!!!
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Zero read");
// Read bytes
return n;
There's no way that I can think of that making something a COM object
improve performance. What mechanism are you thinking of?
Managed C++ is unsupported on devices so, even if it had something to
with performance in this case, which it doesn't, it can't really be
The operations that you need to do, WaitForSingleObject() and
ReadFile() are
the same in all of these cases. There's no difference between
WaitForSingleObject from managed C++ or C# or C or anything else. At
there might be some minor overhead in managed code for loading the
DLL that
contains WaitForSingleObject and getting its address. I suppose that
might see that if you're calling WaitForSingleObject every five ms or
something, but by the nature of what you're doing, most of the time
is going
to be in the wait, not in calling the Wait function.
Paul T.
I do have a question for the .NET experts.

Im running WindowsCE 5.0 with CF 2.0. My application reads data
from a
device driver when a events is received from the driver.
I could use the interop (DllImport) and then use the native
WaitForSingleObject and ReadFile to read the data.
But would I get better speed performance using a COM object
handling the
device driver communication?
What about wrapping the device driver functions in a managed C++
class. Then
the C# application can get data from that?
Are there no noticable speed diffrences between the suggestions?