Best Processor and graphics card?

Jul 21, 2007
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Just ordered a new PC but didnt quite know what i was getting and went with the idea that the higher the number and higher the price the better it will be. I generally want it to play games to keep me out of trouble around camp.

Anyway, its got a Intel 2 quad core processor 2.40ghz, but my old PC had a 2.40ghz pentium 4 processor and that is ancient. What difference will i see and will i be able to play games that require a 3.00ghz processor?

Also i was confused when choosing my graphics card, the two most expensive were a 768mb 8800 nvidia card(the once i chose) or 2x 320mb nvidia card. Is there much difference?

thanks for any replies i get.
Damon7523 said:
its got a Intel 2 quad core processor 2.40ghz, but my old PC had a 2.40ghz pentium 4 processor and that is ancient. What difference will i see and will i be able to play games that require a 3.00ghz processor?
The Q6600 i presume? That will be fine. It will wipe the floor with your old cpu.

Also i was confused when choosing my graphics card, the two most expensive were a 768mb 8800 nvidia card(the once i chose) or 2x 320mb nvidia card. Is there much difference?
The 8800GTX is the 768mb verson, that will be better than two 8800GTS's (the 320mb you speak of)

Sould like a very nice system, gota link to the rest of the spec?
As V_R says, the Q6600 is excellent - don't get confused comparing the newer Core2 architecture with the old P4's ;)
Yea i'l show but i do fear that i'l be laughed at when you see what machine it is. I hadnt seen what people have had to say about MESH before purchasing it

But my friend hasnt had problems with his yet so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

http://Mesh PCLink to MESH PC

I had to customise it to get the better graphics card.

But they both have 2.4ghz, or because it is a quad, should i be thinking more like 9.6ghz?
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Lets get one thing straight, there are many happy Mesh customers out there - its just that sometimes they go wrong and appears it is difficult to deal with their customer services at times - hopefully yours will be OK.

Regarding the C2Quad - no don't think of it that way, think of it as 4 separate cores at 2.4GHz which makes it better for multi-tasking - it doesn't help so much in gaming to be honest.
What I'm saying is you can't compare the 2.4GHz here with that of the old P4 - completely different kettle of fish.

Don't worry, You will be fine with the Q6600 :thumb:
New games are starting to use two cores now and it shouldn't be too long before the start using quads, but not to their full potential just yet.
Are you sure a 8800GTX will out perform 2x8800GTS?
It will outperform two 320 GTS's that were mentioned earlier in this thread. Two 640mb will be a closer run thing, however SLI on the 8800 is still a bit patchy at the mo. So my money would go on a 8800GTX, Then get another one at a later date and SLI them! ;)
Your new system will blow you away compared to what you had, don't worry about that.

As for the 8800GTX, to be honest it is overkill for your 22" screen as a 640mb GTS would have done just as well as you won't be pushing huge resolutions, but your games will run stupendously fast :)