Here is how the zipang probably works best:
First let's look at the large heatsink array on the top of it.
Top-down view:
* = fan blade.
_ = heatsink fin.
< = airflow from/to case fans.
O = end of heat pipes.
<<< _**___________*___________* <<<<
<<< ___**_________*_________**_ <<<<
<<< _____**_______*_______**___ <<<<
<<< _______**_____*_____**_____ <<<<
<<< _________+_________+_______ <<<<
<<< ___________________________ <<<<
<<< *********______CPU__******* <<<<
<<< ___________________________ <<<<
<<< _________+_________+_______ <<<<
<<< _______**_____*_____**_____ <<<<
<<< _____**_______*_______**___ <<<<
<<< ___**_________*_________**_ <<<<
<<< _**___________*___________* <<<<
It probably works best when the cold air from the case inlet fans can flow
between the fins... so the fins should be place horizontally... so the air
can go between them...
otherwise the air will be blocked... since those large fins are solid on the
sides... they have no holes.
Now the zipang has something interesting at the bottom.
There is a little extra heatsink at the bottom near the cpu:
Which looks like the air could go in all directions... but the largest gaps
are vertical so the exact opposite of the large heatsink fins... this could
be nice for the top exhaust fan which might then be able to suck hot air
that came down from the fins/blades and out of the heat sink to the exit...
So it looks like this:
There are more gaps/airflow pathways vertical/upwards then horizontal/side
So these gaps could allow to suck hot air away from the north bridge as
Maybe just a little bit.
The heat pipes are up in the air with lots of room around them so those
heatpipes might loose some heat too.
I am little bit worried about those little heat pipes near number 3. Since I
think that's the north bridge chip which might get hot...
However I looked at how the passive heatsink design of the motherboard
It mentions the heat is transported to number 2. Which I think could be the
mosfet ?
There is a little copper heatsink there.... which now receives the most
airflow from the cpu cooler.
So number 2 is going to be ultra cool (?)
Which leaves number 3 to worry about a little bit...
But there are already two inlet fans blowing against number 3... so it will
probably get a little bit of airflow from those two inlet case fans... there
is also an inlet case fan on the bottom.. So it looks ok I hope... there are
also less components there...
There are more components near 1 and 2...
Ok, I am gonna go with the x-bit labs setup... placing the fins horizontal
seems best anyway... so not much choice I guess... that's good.
So the only thing left to look at is what would happen if it was flipped...
then the memory chips would get extra cooling but that would probably be
bad... because this would below the heat back down... I looked at the memory
chips and how they work... there heatpipes are upwards away from the
motherboard... so there the heat must go up or so.
I am not worried about the memory chips
Well this was interesting to look at it...
If I didn't take a closer look then I might have placed it wrongly ?
Well fingers crossed... it probably doesn't matter much..
I just want a long lasting motherboard.
My Dream PC will probably be back up again next week or so because I
probably need a special 4 to 4 pin extension atx power cable.
I'll try to connect everything anyway and see how far I get... maybe the
cable can make it after all if I route it past the pci clips
And ofcourse nice pictures will follow STAY TUNED !

Wonder Wonder Wonder Wonder, me in Wonder LAND