Best Netbook

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

Has anyone got experience of netbooks here? I'm looking to buy one and was thinking about the Samsung N120, although they seem to have an N130 and N140 out now that look the same in terms of spec! So confusing!

Also, I think Sony have one out now?

Any help appreciated.
In my opinion Asus and Samsung are two notebooks that I would consider If I were buying one, having said that, the one from Lenovo is also very tempting. I would suggest try them out in store before committing to one. I would consider a good memory stick of at least 16 or 32 GB for backups as well for critical data. Sandisk would be my obvious choice for that.
err, what's in a name ... notebook & netbook ... there is a difference, technically.

muckshifter said:
err, what's in a name ... notebook & netbook ... there is a difference, technically.


Netbook = to browse the internet, listen to music, social networking etc

Notebook = doing all of above plus taking notes and burning discs,

Does that mean you used the wrong term in your first post Quad and you actually meant that the Samsung NETBOOK was good??
bodhi said:
Does that mean you used the wrong term in your first post Quad and you actually meant that the Samsung NETBOOK was good??

Sorry for the confusion, I actually was referring to the netbook in my first post but by mistake indicated notebook.
I asked the same question back in January and came to the conclusion that were I in the market for a Netbook I'd go for the Samsung NC-10 Review here

But I don't need one so I didn't get one.

The Samsung does seem to be the market leader and also comes in a variety of colours.
Just like Flops I had also considered the Samsung NC-10 at one time, if I too were in the market I would have picked the NC-10, excellent machine.
I actually have the NC-10 in blue. Its a brilliant little thing, small and light enough to carry around but still manages to be able to cope with pretty much everything i throw at it. I have upgraded the RAM to 2GB though and never actually used it with the standard 1GB so have no idea if its made much difference.

Mainly use it for taking notes in lecture so being so small and light its ideal, screen is kinda small when viewing some websites and the options pane in VLC actually goes off the bottom of the screen which is annoying but its still useable for word or browsing the net etc

As i said its a pretty powerful little thing considering what it is. I've installed some fairly high end CAD software which i thought would never run on it, it takes a while to load but amazingly it runs fine.

Probably the best thing is the battery life, this thing goes on forever!! I can connect it to my TV, watch an entire 2hr film and still have enough juice left to watch another one, even then it still has maybe an hour left before it needs recharging!! I put it on the battery save mode and it'll last me through 6 hrs of lecture note taking quite easily
Thanks for the replies guys. I think the Samsung NC-10 was the best Netbook a while ago, although I think the Samsung N120 has replaced that now at the top of the pile from Samsung. I think that's right anyway, that's the feeling I get from reading the reviews etc etc. I think the N120 is a great looking netbook too.

I could do with a powerful computer for running MS Office etc, but will probably build a desk top at some point in the future, and 90% of what I do is browse the internet, so something I can use for that around the house would be great. :-)
If i were to get one now i'd make sure it had the ION chipset as then it can manage 1080p content playback

I use my desktop more than i do the netbook, its nice to have it when i am out and about. I could manage without it though and i wouldn't really miss it in all honesty