No! ... sorry but "cheap" & computers do not give for a good end result.
There is loads of information withing the Forums, you'll need to read it.
What do you want the PC for ... Games or General work ... in my "personal opinion" there is NO manufacturer who doesn't want to make a profit, even the small individual system builders.
Here is an example of one I "trust" ...
have a look ... there are quite a few other "suppliers" that forum members will suggest.
Building a computer yourself has never been about saving money. It is primarily about quality, customization, and compatibility.
All computer manufacturers cut corners somewhere to be competitively priced, and often use proprietary parts that may carry the same name as public ally sold parts, but have been striped of some features and functions to lower cost. Proprietary parts are often used as a profit center by the manufacturer when you need to replace a failed part.
I have yet to see a mass produced computer with an adequately sized power supply. These assembly houses would kill to cut a dollar off the selling price that will not cause a problem during the warranty period.
Those of us who build will buy the highest quality standardized parts we can afford, after much careful research of what is available. A builder is far more likely to be able to configure and maintain their computer properly, and repair any problems that arise. Their machines will also be likely to have a longer useful life.
Too many people buy bargain computers with compromised construction, and then are afraid to even take off the covers to clean or maintain it. Building a computer is just a matter of following instructions, plugging the parts together, and screwing them down.
You don't need to be an engineer or technician to build a PC.