Best Hi-Fi for less than £60

Apr 10, 2005
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What is the best Hi-Fi i can get for no more than £60? Ive been looking around but as i know next to nothing about hi-fi's im not sure if they are any good.

Hope you can help.

Sorry, but you won't get 'Hi Fi' for under sixty quid :(

You will get something to play CD's on with a radio tuner though.

Have a look in Comets or somewhere similar and ask if you can listen to a few.
Yep, within your budget, either are OK.

They much a muchness, really, but if pushed I'd choose the Philips model.
I have heard the MC series of components from Philips and for the price they are not bad at all, I had picked up one of them for my daughter (Not the model you listed).

By the way, £60 is not enough to even buy the cables that one needs to connect the speakers and components together, let alone buying components :D
I would go for Philips even if it was £20 higher than the other one. :)
Yes i think i would go for the philips model as well. But just don't expect it to blast the neighbours out of bed...:p
I just had a look at them and allthough this has nothing to do with Music.. I think that the Philips MC150 with its blue backlit display looks allot better than the Goodmans
Stewart at that sort of price it should be more of an ornament than an actual device to play Just kidding.... I have a mini system too and there not that bad really.. the one i have is a Panosonic SA PM 28 it has a nice sound... but still misses that rich sound produced by true Hi-Fi systems (Does Me Though.. :) )

Yep definatly the Phillips is what i would go for out of the two.... Why not try a trip to your local Comet and see them in the flesh so to speak... take your own CD one that you know and ask if you can have a Demo... after all it might look good but sound like an empty tin box.. only one way to know and a good way to find if your ears like the sound it makes... :)
You dont have to buy it there and then .. you could jot down the model number and search to see if there is a cheaper one on the net.. but the most imortant thing is to let your ears do the buying... (if that makes sence).... :)
Stewart where is it going to go?.. the front room or a bedroom?

Quad.. Hiya there :D.. how are you?.. long time no see... :).

Hope all is well...good to see you again... :)
In the bedroom. Any chance of you having a look on the internet for me to see if you can find any better than those for no more than £60?

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Spooky Mouse,

You are absolutely correct when you say that listening is the best way of buy and audio product but the fact is that many who do not have trained ears, or are not into hifi and such will have a hard time telling the difference between boom and bass, calrity and tizziness in the treble, bloom in the midrange and such. I think the gentleman is not into audio that is why he has come for help here. I am simply giving my opinion and not saying you are incorrect, far from it, you give good advise.

Cheers :)
stuartw101 said:
In the bedroom. Any chance of you having a look on the internet for me to see if you can find any better than those for no more than £60?


Stewart sure.. ill have a look but.. But I'm no audio expert, I can only tell you what i would go for...... Quad is the Audio Man.. and a Damned Fine one Too!... :)

I would suggest that if its for a Bedroom.. you will need to make it work for you there... I would look look for a system with a wake up timer... as no doubt its use as an Alarm Clock will be Usefull...
Also i would look for a Sleep timer.. as Going to bed and listining to music as your falling asleep ... the last thing that you want to do is Get out of bed and switch the system off.. or worse have the neigbours complain if you fall asleep with it on
A soothing Display so as to relax while in bed.. not a muti- flashing air-sea rescue beacon thing.. :)

Give me a little while and ill have a browse for you.. if i don't post today.. it will be tommorow or wednesday... Stewart Have you tried looking on E-Bay as if price is an issue you can pick up some really good things there quite cheap.. allthough i havent looked at Audio Equipment on its pages
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prefer not to buy from ebay. Thanks for looking i have to actually buy it today in time for his birthday, so if you do manage to find some today it would be great.

Thanks again
Stewart here is a selection from Dealtime... most in the price range you are looking for.. in the right hand side will be the prices that they are selling at
(3 Shops £50 - £130) indicates that that item is available in 3 different shops Ranging from £50 to £130..

Sorry it was a quick browse... but have a look see if any take your fancy..:)

All The Best for your Sons Birthday ..:D .. how old will he be?

Just follow the link and have a look..there in the price range of £20 to £80
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Spooky Mouse said:
Stewart here is a selection from Dealtime... most in the price range you are looking for.. in the right hand side will be the prices that they are selling at
(3 Shops £50 - £130) indicates that that item is available in 3 different shops Ranging from £50 to £130..

Sorry it was a quick browse... but have a look see if any take your fancy..:)

All The Best for your Sons Birthday ..:D .. how old will he be?

Just follow the link and have a look..there in the price range of £20 to £80

LOL :) Im only 18! Its my brothers birthday.