Iain Cheyne
I want to write a short manual for an open-source utility. Which format
should I use?
Although plain text is the simplest and most generic, it is too ugly and
does not support hyperlinking, so I have ruled it out. PDF is also out, as
it for printing, rather than online viewing. I'm mainly considering html,
Html-help or Winhelp, but there might be other formats that are better that
I'm not aware of. I want something simple, easy and with nice formatting
and hyperlinking.
should I use?
Although plain text is the simplest and most generic, it is too ugly and
does not support hyperlinking, so I have ruled it out. PDF is also out, as
it for printing, rather than online viewing. I'm mainly considering html,
Html-help or Winhelp, but there might be other formats that are better that
I'm not aware of. I want something simple, easy and with nice formatting
and hyperlinking.