Best driver for AIW8500DV?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ar Q
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Ar Q

I tried to download the latest driver from ATI. The wizard lead me to the
Catalyst driver 3.5. After I downloaded all of them, the release note said I
need MMC 8.1 companion CD for cat 3.5 and AIW8500DV owners should go to ATI
web site and order that CD. If I don't want to, what is the best driver for
anyone who only own MMC 7.7 CD? Thanks.
I have an AIW8500 128, and using Cat 3.2, MMC 8.1, and the DAO & WME9
packages, with DX90a, and have no problems (WinXP Sp1a). I downloaded
everything from the ATI site. I don't have the DVD, b/c I use PowerDVD 4.
Dk975 said:
I have an AIW8500 128, and using Cat 3.2, MMC 8.1, and the DAO & WME9
packages, with DX90a, and have no problems (WinXP Sp1a). I downloaded
everything from the ATI site. I don't have the DVD, b/c I use PowerDVD 4.

What companion CD comes with AIW 8500 128MB version, 7.7 or 8.1?
I bought my card used, and I have a MMC 7.5 and 7.6 disc. The only
reason you should need the CD is to install the DVD application (then
you would have to order a new disc.) Otherwise just install the stuff
from the web.
Ar said:
I tried to download the latest driver from ATI. The wizard lead me to the
Catalyst driver 3.5. After I downloaded all of them, the release note said I
need MMC 8.1 companion CD for cat 3.5 and AIW8500DV owners should go to ATI
web site and order that CD. If I don't want to, what is the best driver for
anyone who only own MMC 7.7 CD? Thanks.


Ive been using the 8500dv for 18months,
I stayed with Cat 2.5 drivers on xp pro.
newest doesn't mean the best in any or all situations.

Where do you ask for the CD from Ireland ?

I am in Europe too...
It was some months back now. I sent a message to the main ati support
complaining "how is it possible for me to oder a CD when the option
for the Uk does not exist." After about two weeks i got a reply saying
that my email had been passed on to the ireland team. At this point I
was dubious i would hear anything further. Some weeks later, out of
the bkue i got an email from the ireland team asking for my postal
address. a few days later it dropped through the post.

The email address the ireland bunch used hasan invalid return. So it
is pointless me giving it to you. But here it is. (e-mail address removed).

Ah, looking back at my email archive I have found the original email
from them. I reprint it fully with its headers.

Hope this helps.


Received: (qmail 28649 invoked from network); 25 Mar 2003 17:19:34
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by mailstore with SMTP; 25 Mar 2003 17:19:34 -0000
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by with SMTP; 25 Mar 2003 17:19:33
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by (8.12.6/8.12.6) with ESMTP id h2PHOtYt025292
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SurfControl E-mail Filter (4.5); Tuesday, 25 March 2003, 12:19:23
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id HSL58MWK; Tue, 25 Mar 2003 12:19:19 -0500
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id <G2YCQBDH>; Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:20:35 -0000
From: Eurotech <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:20:35 -0000
Subject: ATIREPORT: MMC 8.1 order
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting ATI Technical Support.

ATI installation CDs with the Multimedia Center version 8.1 will be
available soon.

Once we receive them, we will be sending one out free of charge to
you. We apologise for the delay.

To be able to do that, we only need your full name and postal address.

Please reply directly to this email (without changing the Subject

Thank you for contacting ATI.

-----Original Message-----
From: (e-mail address removed) [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 12 March 2003 19:56
To: (e-mail address removed)
Subject: Other

- -
Last Name: Cinchant
First Name: Andre
Phone Number:
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Fax Number:
Preferred language: English
Identify my product: All in Wonder RADEON
Product purchase type: _BUILT
Bus Type: AGP
Operating System: Windows XP
Driver/CD Version: Included CD
Driver source: Internet
My Question is: How do i pruchase the MMC 8.1 disc here in
UK. ATI web site only allows purchase from America.
Full Postal address:
Country: United Kingdom
Take a look at the Nvidia 5200 Ati 9100 I think the 5200 would have
more power. Look for GPU SPEEDS and memory bus Higher in these areas
will give better results when gaming . You must consider the drivers
play a major part in how hard the hardware will work . First get the
fastes gpu clocks and memory bus 128bit or better if u get a 128bit
remember there are cards with 256bit bus this will dramatically
improve fps and fillrate. All Geforce 4 ti 4200 4400 and 4600 are
128bit bus . But the newer 5200 may be higher . You will have to
research. As I have already for months before picking a card.Consider
the 5200 u will save bucks and it is a good card to buy .

What does any of this have to do with what is the best driver for an

Take a look at the Nvidia 5200 Ati 9100 I think the 5200 would have more
power. Look for GPU SPEEDS and memory bus Higher in these areas will give
better results when gaming . You must consider the drivers play a major part
in how hard the hardware will work . First get the fastes gpu clocks and
memory bus 128bit or better if u get a 128bit remember there are cards with
256bit bus this will dramatically improve fps and fillrate. All Geforce 4 ti
4200 4400 and 4600 are 128bit bus . But the newer 5200 may be higher . You
will have to research. As I have already for months before picking a card
..Consider the 5200 u will save bucks and it is a good card to buy . "Gordon
Take a look at the Nvidia 5200 Ati 9100 I think the 5200 would have more
power. Look for GPU SPEEDS and memory bus Higher in these areas will give
better results when gaming . You must consider the drivers play a major part
in how hard the hardware will work . First get the fastes gpu clocks and
memory bus 128bit or better if u get a 128bit remember there are cards with
256bit bus this will dramatically improve fps and fillrate. All Geforce 4 ti
4200 4400 and 4600 are 128bit bus . But the newer 5200 may be higher . You
will have to research. As I have already for months before picking a card
..Consider the 5200 u will save bucks and it is a good card to buy . "Gordon