Best digital camera under £100

Apr 10, 2005
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Not sure what sort of quality i can get for this. I'd rather spend no more than £75 so if you can give me a few suggestions for both price ranges i would be very grateful.

The family basically wants a digital camera to replace the normal camera we have.

Thanks again.
Let me see what you can get in that budget, I am sure you do not mind some compromises. The problem is not just the camera but the memory card which also is necessary and will cost a bit.

I will come back to this thread after doing some research for you. ;)
Thanks for that, if you could find me some cameras for less than £75 and some £75-100 that would be great.

I appreciate the help.
Can you give me some idea of the type of photography you need to do?

What is most important to you is going to dictate as far as the type of camera to be picked is concerned.

For instance if indoor photography is most important it should be on top of your list. Let me give you some hints and you can compile it so I can get to work.

Indoors (mainly)
Outdoors (mainly)
holiday snapshots
any other type you are into and can add to the list will also help
Basically want to use it everywhere, mainly for family pictures, landscape and portrait.

Not sure if thats any help lol.
Yes that is just what I wanted. Allow me a little time as I am in the midst of something important and the sooner I get some free time will pick a few models for you.

I will see what kind of deals can be had and if the camera is a good one without any problems being reported generally.

By the way, landscape and and portrait are at two extremes as far as the lens capability is concerned, for landscape one needs wide angle and for portrait medium telephoto, the better the range the higher the price. I am afraid this what I was referring to when I said there may be some compromises, nonetheless I will see that I keep in mind your needs when selecting models.

Here is my humble proposal!

I just spent about 45 minutes looking at the best options for you without breaking the bank and be ideal for what you need it for. Unfortunately there are not many in under£100 category which are worth buying. I personally detest proprietary accessories like batteries since they usually cost an arm and a leg and they are not easily available unless you go to a specific store to get them. Besides when a couple of years pass the batteries either are no longer available or are way overpriced since the user is stuck and has to get them or else they cannot use the camera.

The second thing on my mind was your options in usage of the camera, what you wanted was something which can do all the jobs nicely if not perfectly.

The third thing which was on my mind was flexibility in its usage where my main concern was its exposure capabilities and white balance options. The more flexible the camera the better the final result. Besides giving the comfort to the user of knowing that he is in control and not the idiot box instead. I would suggest to you an article I did on White Balance as it may prove useful for a first time Digital Camera buyer. The link to the article is provided at the end of this post.

While doing the research I came across a very nice option just we bit under £100 which does most of the things as anyone could ask for. The possibility of buying a decent digital camera around or under £75 is very slim and best to stay away from them. The reliability, support, quality, after sales service all the same time in one package are extremely difficult if not impossible.

So coming back to the the camera for you, I have just one with my full recommendations. If you like it by all means go for it as to be honest there is not much out there under £100 which I would consider with me own dough if I had to.

Canon Powershot A410

White Balance

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask for it :)
Thanks for all the advice. I think i may wait a while and spend a little more on it maybe christams.

Thanks for all your time.