Me I just use one of John's paintings, reckon I might change soon though, his latest painting is better than the one I'm using, which reminds me, it's been months since I updated his website *shudder*. Reckon that can wait 'till after christmas, the templates on that thing make my neck hairs stand up! Reckon I oughta take a contract out on the 'web master' who set that thing up!
Shoulda got my daughter to do it. She checked the code out & just couldn't believe it, sez he's gone outta his way to do things as complex as possible, things that could be done much more simply he's coded in to be much more difficult than they need be. Maybe he thought that doing that would mean that we had to keep paying him to update it, I wouldn't put it past him, he certainly ripped us off in other ways & on top of that he didn't fulfill all the requirements we specified for the site.
Ah well, shouldn't moan I suppose, it may be a nightmare but at least I can update the thing. Most of my mates out here would've been stuck at this guy's mercy. Withought my daughter I wouldn't even have known I'd been done.