I don't think that anybody here maintains that Vista will be trouble free
for all users.. for some, as I found personally, Vista works really quite
well.. the driver situation has been something of a lottery to date, and
still remains so for some.. there are programs that are never going to run
on Vista, regardless of any compatibility mode, and some even quite old
programs that will be ok.. some program installation routines have specific
OS identifiers coded in, others don't.. MS can do nothing about that.. it is
a marketing ploy on the part of the program authors.. you may have noticed
that some programs install in two parts.. even if you can get the first part
to work in compatibility mode, there is no way to intercept the second
part.. all clever stuff, eh..
The Upgrade Advisor is exactly that.. an advisor, not a guarantee that all
will be ok.. the Advisor states which version is best for the machine based
on RAM and video capability as much as anything, but few of the complainers
state what was advised and what they tried to install.. so we have a
situation where an OP has been advised that Vista Basic is best but who has
maybe taken it upon him/herself to install Ultimate.. these kind of
scenarios are always going to end in tears, but to come here wielding wrath
as some do is not going to help, and just sets those who could help into a
defensive stance..
Charlie Tame said:
I do not disagree but OTOH the responses came back as if provided by
dedicated Microsoft shills intent on belittling anyone with the slightest
I don't believe it does any good to have publicity such as that Vista
received, which implies (Because those without experience assume that by
default) that installing Vista will be completely trouble free and bring
huge improvements. Yes there are some improvements but even with the
latest hardware (in some cases worse with new hardware) there are also
I'm really just playing Devil's advocate somewhat, but it can get very
frustrating (Especially with 64 and driver issues) trying to install
something that repeatedly fails with no obvious reason.
Mike Hall
MS MVP Windows Shell/User