P4C800-E S478 $180 (bus overclock without video artifacts)
3.0E Prescott $188 S478
2x512MB DDR 2x$120 (PQI PC4000 CAS2.5)
6600GT AGP $229 (Apollo, hopefully better brands to follow) or
9800Pro $205+ (Ati, older generation)
Case/Disk/CDROM/Mouse/Kbd ~$200 (PSU is 20pin ATX plus 2x2 12V conn)
Total = ~1037
P5P800 LGA775 $94 (watch for artifact issues if overclocking...)
3.2E Prescott $219 LGA775
2x512MB DDR 2x$140 (OCZ EL Gold PC4000 rev2)
6600GT AGP $229 (Apollo, hopefully better brands to follow) or
9800Pro $205+ (Ati, older generation)
Case/Disk/CDROM/Mouse/Kbd ~$200 (PSU is 24pin ATX plus 2x2 12V conn)
Total = ~$1022
P5GD2 Deluxe LGA775 $187 (seen anandtech 915 reviews)
3.2E Prescott $219 LGA775
2x512MB DDR 2x$140 (Crucial DDR2-533 PC2-4200 roughly = PC3200
6600GT PCI-e $190
ATI has no midrange --- X700 is wimpy compared to 6600GT, and
X800 is $400+
Case/Disk/CDROM/Mouse/Kbd ~$200 (PSU is 24pin ATX plus 2x2 12V conn)
Total = ~$1076
The P5GD2 PCI Express solution has a slight price premium in
this example, but the board is probably a better base in terms of
compatibility with future hardware. The other solutions are
more "frozen in time". I selected the Deluxe over the Premium,
due to the Deluxe having 1394A and the Premium has 1394B. The
1394A Firewire runs at 400Mb/s, but Windows OS drivers will work
properly, whereas 1394B 800Mb/s is currently a nightmare.
The Premium has two Ethernet interfaces (for ICS if you want),
while the Deluxe has one Ethernet. The Deluxe balances this
by having an extra PCI slot, good if you like add in cards.
I'm not sure which of these products has bundled wireless, or
whether you even care.
Note - I'm not really up on all the current gen video cards,
and the marketing decisions seem somewhat random to me. It
would probably take a couple days of solid research to refine
the video card suggestions. There isn't a nice jumbo video card
performance chart, with all the new crap in it. I simply
tried to find something for $200.
Have fun,