I am looking to build a performance measures database. Measures are input
monthly with narrative. Reports are generated quarterly and should show
summed results for each quarter as well as ALL the monthly narratives. The
ultimate report format should look something like:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
t_measures numerator desc n n n n n
t_measures denominator desc n n n n n
All Monthly narratives (from t_results table) lie beneith the data.
where n is the sum of all monthly inputs (numerator and denominator) for
this particular measure as caputrued in the t_results table
I've tried to do sum queries and sum reports to no avail. Help is
monthly with narrative. Reports are generated quarterly and should show
summed results for each quarter as well as ALL the monthly narratives. The
ultimate report format should look something like:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
t_measures numerator desc n n n n n
t_measures denominator desc n n n n n
All Monthly narratives (from t_results table) lie beneith the data.
where n is the sum of all monthly inputs (numerator and denominator) for
this particular measure as caputrued in the t_results table
I've tried to do sum queries and sum reports to no avail. Help is