Best Antivirus

Hey Ian... should a sticky be made with everyone's favorite antivirus program... with a few notes as to why and link to download them???
It really is up to ya.

I had Nortons and a virus killed it. It seemed like it worked but when I scanned an Infected test disk it didnt work. Have ya heard of an Anti-virus killer. I tryed Mcfee and the same happend.

I think that all the totally free antivirus is much better than the commercial ones. I tryed them all.




and a few more.

I think Anti-Vir is totally underated.
People read about the features and compare apples to oranges. All these work in different ways.

Yes Anti-Vir dosent have a email scanner, unless ya have an Email server ya dont really need one with Anti-Vir, cause any virus that gets to memory is detected it will stop it and the attacments will get scanned sooner or later. So It works differently.

Avast and AGV do the automated stuff and Anti-Vir is manual.

But with any of these dont push your luck. Your never 100% safe.

If ya do lots of Email think about gettin a Linux box with Anti-Vir mail server. Its also free for personal use.
IMHO - I have tried many virus checkers over the years, My current one is Avast and I have been using it for nearly a year now and I find it the best yet. AVG let me down once and I have never trusted it since, did download the trial to norton but a virus disabled it :( so that got binned too... I have not tried Anti-Vir as suggested by TECHGUNS so I cannot give my own views on the software, if Avast ever lets me down then that will be my next port of call.....

Avast is free for personal use, if you wish to try it out you can download it from here. What ever the choice you make - just make sure that your old virus checker is disabled before installation and running of a new virus checker as this can lead to slowdowns and software conflicts. Also make sure you manually UPDATE straight after installation and then UPDATE manually at least once a week, it is no use having a virus checker with out of date definitions :p
It really is up to ya.

I had Nortons and a virus killed it. It seemed like it worked but when I scanned an Infected test disk it didnt work. Have ya heard of an Anti-virus killer. I tryed Mcfee and the same happend.

I think that all the totally free antivirus is much better than the commercial ones. I tryed them all.




and a few more.

I think Anti-Vir is totally underated.
People read about the features and compare apples to oranges. All these work in different ways.

Yes Anti-Vir dosent have a email scanner, unless ya have an Email server ya dont really need one with Anti-Vir, cause any virus that gets to memory is detected it will stop it and the attacments will get scanned sooner or later. So It works differently.

Avast and AGV do the automated stuff and Anti-Vir is manual.

But with any of these dont push your luck. Your never 100% safe.

If ya do lots of Email think about gettin a Linux box with Anti-Vir mail server. Its also free for personal use.

Right on the button :thumb: