Best AGP 4x Radeon card?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cuzman
  • Start date Start date


Just a quick query. I'm planning on doing a mid-range first home-build /
upgrade. Is the 8500 / 8500LE the best way to go for a MoBo with AGP 4x? I
understand that the Radeon 9xxx series all need AGP 8x. I would be grateful
for any advice, and I might even let you have my sister for the night.
The 8500le is one of the best cheaper DX8 cards, they are all AGP x4, but
run at x2 too.

The 9500+ all runn at x2 and x4 as well as x8....
I was thinkin of upgrading to a 9600 pro from an 8500, is that not worth it
then ... ??

(Sorry no sister, I was an only child!)

| On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 00:17:02 +0200, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
| >On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 17:47:53 +0100, "Cuzman" <[email protected]>
| >wrote:
| >
| >>Just a quick query. I'm planning on doing a mid-range first home-build
| >>upgrade. Is the 8500 / 8500LE the best way to go for a MoBo with AGP
4x? I
| >>understand that the Radeon 9xxx series all need AGP 8x. I would be
| >>for any advice, and I might even let you have my sister for the night.
| >>
| >
| >The 9x00 would work, but they're mostly slower than the 8500.
| By that I mean the budget cards, not the 9500 or above.

Well, you can see where MY head was during that no-help reply.
I've got an ATI AIW Radeon 7500 card (the one with TV tuner and RF
remote control, It comes with all kinds of features and cables, and
has 64 MB DDR RAM, and has a bunch of cool editing software, including
ULead's VideoStudio 5.0 etc.
It does capture in MPEG2 format, NTSC, works with Windows'98 on up,
S-Video and composite video inputs and outputs, will support 2 devices
at once, supports 5.1 Dolby digital sound, can do 2D at 1280 x 1064,
and 3D resolution at 2048 x 1536 at 16.7M colors, has a 128 bit
internal bus, it's own cooling fan and can capture from almost any
device. You might have to look around a bit to find onesince they've
been out for a year or so, but for the price, it will be money well
spent. I love mine.

Any other questions, I'll be glad to help. Sorry for the screwed-up
answer before. Is your sister getting any better looking now?
