Best 3 Consecutive Months

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I have 10 years worth of monthly data and need to determine the best (or
worst) three consecutive months for benchmarking purposes. How do I write a
formula that provides me the value of the highest (or lowest) value for three
consecutive months (perhaps array formula?). I want to avoid at all cost
adding another column of data to the worksheet that provides a running three
month average and then utilizing the MAX or MIN function to determine the
Thanks in advance

It may be possible in a single formula but nothing springs to mind so here's
another solution.

Say your data are in column A. Put this in (say) B1 and drag down

You now have a sum of every set of 3 consecutive cell so simply max and min
this new range to get the highest and lowest values for 3 consecutive months.

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Assuming you numbers are in B2:B24 with titles on row 1, enter the following
array formula:


For the 3 lowest you need to be a little more careful:


For an array formula you do not type the outer {}'s, you press
SHIFT+CTRL+Enter to enter the formula not Enter.

Of course this doesn't identify the location of those 3 consecutive items.
Shane said:

Assuming you numbers are in B2:B24 with titles on row 1, enter the following
array formula:


For the 3 lowest you need to be a little more careful:


For an array formula you do not type the outer {}'s, you press
SHIFT+CTRL+Enter to enter the formula not Enter.

Of course this doesn't identify the location of those 3 consecutive items.

Array formula for the row number (within the list of numbers) of the start of
those 3 consecutive items:

Absolutely PERFECT!!! Thanks Guys

Glenn said:
Array formula for the row number (within the list of numbers) of the start of
those 3 consecutive items:

Hi Glenn,

Yes I knew that but since the original post didn't ask for it, I just want
to hint that they might want to know something else.

If he wanted we could show him the full address of these results or we could
conditionally format them.

However, it is the core formula that I designed that was the critical
element, I felt.
Try these array formulas** :





Note the 3 cell offset of the ranges.

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of
CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER (not just ENTER). Hold down both the CTRL key and the SHIFT
key then hit ENTER.
Yours is very smart!

T. Valko said:
Try these array formulas** :





Note the 3 cell offset of the ranges.

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of
CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER (not just ENTER). Hold down both the CTRL key and the SHIFT
key then hit ENTER.

Microsoft Excel MVP

There is one significant difference, try generalizing
to the max of 30 consecutive numbers. Then try generalizing
try generalizing to the max of 30 consecutive numbers.

Yeah, that's true. I would not use or suggest that formula for more than 3
or 4 consecutive cell intervals.

While we're at it...

If the range to calculate is B2:B24...

ROW(1:21) is not very intuitive in addition to not being very robust.

I am trying to do this exact same formula, however, I need my array to calculate across columns instead of rows, I have substituted ROW with COLUMN but I get 0.00's. Any advice?

Shane Devenshire wrote:

There is one significant difference, try

There is one significant difference, try generalizin
to the max of 30 consecutive numbers. Then try generalizin

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshir


Previous Posts In This Thread:

Best 3 Consecutive Months
I have 10 years worth of monthly data and need to determine the best (o
worst) three consecutive months for benchmarking purposes. How do I write
formula that provides me the value of the highest (or lowest) value for thre
consecutive months (perhaps array formula?). I want to avoid at all cos
adding another column of data to the worksheet that provides a running thre
month average and then utilizing the MAX or MIN function to determine th
Thanks in advanc

Hi,It may be possible in a single formula but nothing springs to mind so here

It may be possible in a single formula but nothing springs to mind so here i
another solution

Say your data are in column A. Put this in (say) B1 and drag dow

You now have a sum of every set of 3 consecutive cell so simply max and mi
this new range to get the highest and lowest values for 3 consecutive months

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis tha
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering th


Hi,Assuming you numbers are in B2:B24 with titles on row 1, enter the

Assuming you numbers are in B2:B24 with titles on row 1, enter the followin
array formula


For the 3 lowest you need to be a little more careful


For an array formula you do not type the outer {}'s, you pres
SHIFT+CTRL+Enter to enter the formula not Enter

Of course this does not identify the location of those 3 consecutive items

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshir


Shane Devenshire wrote:Array formula for the row number (within the list of
Shane Devenshire wrote

Array formula for the row number (within the list of numbers) of the start o
those 3 consecutive items


Absolutely PERFECT!!! Thanks Guys"Glenn" wrote:
Absolutely PERFECT!!! Thanks Guy


Hi Glenn,Yes I knew that but since the original post did not ask for it, I
Hi Glenn

Yes I knew that but since the original post did not ask for it, I just wan
to hint that they might want to know something else

If he wanted we could show him the full address of these results or we coul
conditionally format them

However, it is the core formula that I designed that was the critica
element, I felt

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshir


Try these array formulas**
Try these array formulas**





Note the 3 cell offset of the ranges

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination o
CTRL,SHIFT,ENTER (not just ENTER). Hold down both the CTRL key and the SHIF
key then hit ENTER

Microsoft Excel MVP

Yours is very smart!"T. Valko" wrote:
Yours is very smart!


Thanks!--BiffMicrosoft Excel MVP

Microsoft Excel MVP

There is one significant difference, try
There is one significant difference, try generalizing
to the max of 30 consecutive numbers. Then try generalizing

If this helps, please click the Yes button.

Shane Devenshire


Yeah, that is true.
Yeah, that is true. I would not use or suggest that formula for more than 3
or 4 consecutive cell intervals.

While we are at it...

If the range to calculate is B2:B24...

ROW(1:21) is not very intuitive in addition to not being very robust.

Microsoft Excel MVP

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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How about a little more detail. What exactly do you want? How do you know
you even want this formula? Tell us what you are trying to calculate, please.