Hi all! Here's my system:
Dell Demension2400
2.4 Celleron
512 pc 2700 ram
80 gig 720o Harddrive
no agp port
I did some research and for graphics upgrade it seems that only a
Geforce 5700le overclocked is the best available for PCI bus. My
questions are
1 Can you overclock 5700le for PCI setups? If not which parts of my
system are the bottlenecks?
2 I only have two ram slots. Should I upgrade to pc3200 at 256mb each
or go strait to 512mb each? And if I go 512 is pc2700 enough? Will
pc3200 be compatable with my Dell?
3 I read somewhere Dell preinstalls wastefull stuff that saps onboard
memory...how would I dissable some of these unneccessary programs?
I'm not a huge PC gamer but sometime soon I'd like to play Half Life
2 and LOTR Battle for Middle Earth if my system can handle them with
simple upgrades. Thanks for your help- Shawn
Dell Demension2400
2.4 Celleron
512 pc 2700 ram
80 gig 720o Harddrive
no agp port

I did some research and for graphics upgrade it seems that only a
Geforce 5700le overclocked is the best available for PCI bus. My
questions are
1 Can you overclock 5700le for PCI setups? If not which parts of my
system are the bottlenecks?
2 I only have two ram slots. Should I upgrade to pc3200 at 256mb each
or go strait to 512mb each? And if I go 512 is pc2700 enough? Will
pc3200 be compatable with my Dell?
3 I read somewhere Dell preinstalls wastefull stuff that saps onboard
memory...how would I dissable some of these unneccessary programs?
I'm not a huge PC gamer but sometime soon I'd like to play Half Life
2 and LOTR Battle for Middle Earth if my system can handle them with
simple upgrades. Thanks for your help- Shawn