can u bend back cpu pins that had been bent?
I've done it a few times. It needs care, patience andcronikl3 said:can u bend back cpu pins that had been bent?
Use the tip of a ball point retractor pen. Be very very careful.
Get the smallest pair of needle nose pliers possible, and bend it back very
slowly. The friction cause by bending the pins back causes heat to build up
extremly quick, so you'r going to have to do it over a few minutes because
heat + metal = broken. The chance of you breaking one of the pins off is
minimal, but I doubt it will happen.If you cant find a tiny pair of needle
nose pliers, use your finger nail, and push gently.
cronikl3 said:can u bend back cpu pins that had been bent?
it's not as hard to do as you think
i just put on some illuminated magnifying lenses
and use the tip of a very small knife