Beginning C# Q

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I am just starting to learn C#. I would like to write a basic username and
password as the entry into my program. I have already created a userform and
I would like to find a tutorial or something along those lines that will show
me how to properly store usernames and passwords as well as verify them with
an button event. If anyone can give me some direction I would greatly
appreciate it.
Hi Cody,

You'll have to explain what you mean by a "userform."

As to your question, one of the first things you'll need to learn about
programming is that what a user sees is not what a programmer sees and works
with. And what looks simple to a user, because it has a simple-looking user
interface, is quite often not at all simple from a programmer's perspective.

There are literally dozens of ways of handling what you're describing, and
what you're talking about is requirements. Requirements are what drives the
development process. What are the requirements for this project? Now, again,
what looks simple to a user looks simple because the user doesn't think
about details. A programmer must think of every detail, and anticipate every
permutation of a problem. So, the first step to take before writing one
scrap of code (as in "I have already created a userform") is to specifically
and completely (as possible) identify the requirements of the application.

What you've described is often referred to in the programmig biz as the
"10,000-foot view" of the requirements. This is what the user thinks about,
and it is the starting point for a developer in terms of defining
requirements. The objective here is to "zoom in" by increments, getting
closer and more detailed with each iteration. Form the 10,000-foot view, you
go to the 5,000-foot view. From there, you identify more specifically what
the requirements are, and begin to flesh in the details, until you're at the
1-millimeter view, which is where you start writing your code, a millimeter
at a time!

Taking your practice app as an example, we need to first identify what KIND
of login is required for this app. For example, a Windows Operating System
is a multi-user system, and you might simply go with that. On the other
hand, multiple users often use the same Windows login (like my wife, who
uses my login on my home machine, mostly because she doesn't know much about
computers). So, you might want to create an application-specific login, such
as you've described.

That said, you need to identify the security requirements for your login.
How secure do you want this information to be? You could store it in an
Access database, but you would have to make sure that the database is
protected with a password that your app can use. You could store it in the
System Registry, but anyone on that machine could get into the System
Registry (possibly) and find out the user name and password. You could use
encryption to store the user names and passwords, and that can be very
secure. Or perhaps you aren't concerned at all about security. Some apps
just don't need much of it.

You also need to think about the network capabilities of the app. Is it
supposed to work on a network? Should users be able to access it from the
network? How about over the Internet? You might want to use an ASP.Net
application to give users access to it from the Internet. And at this point,
you will no doubt need some serious security built in.

As to where to store the user name and password, that again is partially
determined by the network capabilities of the app. If it's a network app,
you will probably want to go with a database server, which can be accessed
from anywhere in the network. Or if it's an ASP.Net app, the only thing that
needs to get to the database is the server-side application itself. And what
sort of database is determined by how much traffic you will expect.

The size of the application is always a consideration. Might it accomodate a
large number of simultaneous users? Might it grow into an app of that size?

So, I hope by now you can see why I said the question is not as simple as
you might have thought. And the answer to the question is not as simple as
you would like. Where can you find a tutorial or something along those lines
that will show you how to properly store user names and passwords as well as
verify them with a button event? Well, at this point, you haven't narrowed
the question down enough to answer.

Let me, if I may, give you a bit of a head start. Before you continue with
this project, download and install the free Microsoft .Net SDK:

It is full of tutorials and Quick Starts to help you learn C# and .Net
programming of all sorts.

And remember, if you want to be a programmer, you'll need to stop thinking
like a user! ;-)


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.
That is entirely correct but people sometime make the mistake on having the
same password for everything which is not such a good idea.
First of all. "WOW". That is a lot of good information. I should qualify
the statement that I am a beginner. I have taken various courses on
programming. I can program fairly well inside EXCEL with VBA. When I
refered to a userform I just meant that I have used "Visual Studio.NET"
designer to create a windows form with the proper controls. I am trying to
design an application that will be used on a network. The first control will
actually contain the names of the allowable users on the system. I would
like to store specific information for each user, as they will be viewing
different information depending on their role in the company. I would like
to use some form of encryption for the passwords.

I am using an Access datebase for the system anyway. If it is beneficial to
store the users information in the database I have no problem going that
route. I have read in various places that this information is often written
to XML files and I don't know how to do that.

Also since I have Visual Studio.NET I am open to a world of various options.

Thank you for your thorough reply.
Hi Cody,

First of all, you're very welcome. I have had a lot of help along the way,
and I like to give back at least as good as I've received.

I knew you were a beginner, which is why I gave you the long explanation
regarding the issues involved. One of the most difficult things to do when
starting out as a programmer is to learn to think about the things we do
without thinking about them (in other words, not to hink like a user). One
of the most difficult things to do after being a programmer for a long time
is to think like a "normal" person. ;-) But of course, I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Computers are not nearly as smart as people think they are. In fact, they're
quite stupid. They can't figure anything out for themselves, and must have
explicit and accurate instructions about everything they must do. And they
can't fill in the blanks, like humans do. Which is one reason they're so
reliable compared with humans. After all, filling in a blank is often no
more than an educated (or not) guess. Since computers are unable to guess,
and therefore unable to make mistakes, they perform beautifully, always
doing what they're told.

But they have to be told every detail of what they should do. And to
program, you have to instruct every detail to them. This forces one to
become anal-retentive about logical details, especially after several years
of suffering from one's own omissions.

So, let's get down to your requirements. I still think you're starting at
the wrong place here. The first requirement for any program is, what should
it do? What job or jobs does it perform? My Uncle Chutney has a saying which
I live by" Big things are made up of lots of little things." The best way to
start on an application is with a small piece of it. And the first and most
important piece is the functionality of the program. A program performs
tasks. It can perform few or many. A Windows form is a user interface, a
connection between the program and the program itself. It should never be
confused WITH the program itself. It is a "universal translator," which
speaks human at one end, and computer at the other. So, one of the first
lessons to learn in programming is separation of interface from business
logic. Your interface should perform no business logic. It should not
perform any tasks at all, other than tasks related in presenting information
to the user, and presenting information to the business layer.

The business layer should be like the engine of a car. It does all the work,
but is only connected to the user via the gas and brake pedals, the ignition
key, steering wheel (actually, that's another system altogether), etc. The
"engine" of an application is a class or classes which have no user
interface, but only a programming interface (API). Like a car, it may
actually have several systems or components that are linked together, like
the engine, transmission, drive train, electrical system, etc, in a car.

Now, a user login is certainly a component of the application. But it should
be developed first as a separate class, or group of classes. For example, it
might consist of a "User" class, which represents all of the stored and
volatile properties related to the User him/her self. This would include,
for example, the User's name, an ID, a Password, and any other pertinent
inforamation. This would be tied to your database. However, again, let's not
mix functionality. Yuo will need a database layer that talks to the database
and delivers "raw" data to any class that needs it. It should not be
dependent upon any class, but simply present an API for fetching, adding,
updating, deleting data in the database. The "User" class can then get the
necessary information from the database.

A User Login generally consists of identification data being set in the User
class, and the data compared against the corresponding data in the data
source (database). If the necessary data matches, the login is successful;
otherwise not. I hope you can see how this can all be managed without a user
interface. For example, the UserID could be a settable property in the User
class, and the Password another. They would be tied to a query that checks
them out. Or, a more common method is to create a method that takes a UserID
and password, and performs a query, returning "true" if successful, and
"false" if not.

Once built, this needs to be tested. This is where your form comes in. You
would want to create a simple interface for inputting a user name and
password, and calling the method in the User class.

If this is a network app, Access isn't the best candidate to use. Access
isn't really designed for network usage, although it can. And of course, if
you want encryption, you will need to encrypt it at one end, and decrypt it
at the other, to prevent data from being intercepted, for example, via a
packet sniffer, and stolen.

Test his part thoroughly before moving on to the next task. How do you eat
an elephant? One byte at a time! ;-)

I hope this gives you a good head start.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

Thanks again for the direction. I have a very thorough idea of what I want
the application to do. What I really need is the best starting point. The
project is database oriented. The application will not be performing very
many operations on the data in the database. The primary changes will come
from the user directly.

I chose Access originally because it is something I already know how to use.
I am not against learning how to create a different database. I think I can
figure out how to create the user Class. However, I was just starting at
the starting point of the application. That doesn't mean that is the best
place to start programming. In this case I would think that creating the
database would be the best place to start as it will ultimately be the source
of all the data that the application will use.

Since I am just learning it probably really doesn't matter where I start
with regard to my own perspective (just so long as I am learning and making

Thanks for your suggestions.

Sure. However, be aware that a network application consists of a central
data store that is shared by all users, and multiple remote user interfaces
for connecting to and communicating with the database. If you're just
starting out with a network app0lication, you have an awful lot to swallow.

Designing your database is therefore, not quite the first step, particularly
if you're writing a network application. The database design is dependent
upon the requirements of your application. That is, you can't define a table
structure until you have defined, in detail, what data is going to go into
what tables. And that means defining your requirements.

Assuming that your requirements are well-defined, as you say they are, you
can begin on the database structure. But one of your requirements is network
access to the data. This has to be figured into the mix. What happens when 2
or more users want to change the same data? Should the database include
row-level or table-level locking, which your client apps can then react to
when permission is not granted for a particular row or table? Then you need
to figure out the best table structure. How many tables will you need? What
are their relationships, and how are they enforced by the database? For
example, let's say you have a Users table, with multiple users in it, a
Groups table, which defines which Groups users belong to, and a Permissions
table, which defines permissions to certain types of data and operations.You
will, of course, have one record per User in the Users table. But you may
have many Users in a single Group. that Group can have multiple
corresponding Permissions, and the Permissions table can have single
Permissions granted to multiple Groups. Now, an Administrator wants to
remove a Group. But there are users in that Group who may not beling to any
other Group, and if you delete the Group, you are effectively removing ALL
permissions for those users. So, you will need to define a 1-to-many
relationship from the Users table to the Groups table, and enforce that
relationship by preventing any Groups from being deleted if they have any
User records attached to them. The Groups and Permissions tables have a
many-to-many relationship, the most complex type of relationship, and you
will probably need to define the rules that will prevent errors occurring if
you delete a Group, or if you delete a Permission.

So, you need to plan out the table structure and the relationship structure
of the tables, based on your business requirements.
The application will not be performing very
many operations on the data in the database. The primary changes will
from the user directly.

Not unless the user opens the database outside of your application. Your
application is, and should be, the only "user" that does anything with the
database. It will enforce the business rules. It is the intermediary betwen
the users and the data. That is why an Interface is called an Interface. And
keep in mind that the interface should ONLY do interface-related tasks.
Seprate the business process from the interface process. In the long run,
you will be glad you did, or sorry you didn't!


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

Thanks again for the input. What is a typical method for handling multiple
user inputs? It is very likely with the application I would like to create,
that muliple users will be viewing and making changes to the same data sets.
It seems like, when the user submits changes to the database that the users
original dataset would be compared to the current dataset and verify to the
user that changes had been made and have the user verify if they want to
continue with the changes they are submitting. ( I am not sure that is a very
clear statement )

The data the user views is obviously just a snapshot of the database at the
time the request is made to the database for a set of records. Probably more
often than not the data is going to change in the database before the user
submits their own changes to the database records.

Am I on the right track?