beginner question for csharp & sql programatically


Bob Powell [MVP]

If you just want to write a quick program to do this I suggest DragOnce. I
don't think that this is a good thing to look at to get an idea of the
mechanics however because DragOnce creates a 15,000 line file with a
strongly typed dataset for the DB which is a bit daunting for the beginner.

What is it you want to do, Learn or just look?

Bob Powell [MVP]
Visual C#, System.Drawing

Ramuseco Limited .NET consulting

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Hi Bob

thanks for your response, I'm made the DB connection right now, but the only
thing it's read the record, assign the diferents values to a variables and
going to the next record and do the same to the EOF of the table.

Ian Semmel

VS has a wealth of tutorials etc.

People always want to rush out and buy books when there is a lot of info
in the supplied Help.

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