I have multiple ppc's connected via wifi to a lan.I also have regular PC's on the same network, but these are connected with cables. This network is completely cut off from outside sources. The regular PC's have static IP addresses while the PPC's are dynamic. I want to write a small program that will allow the ppc's to see a list of ppc's currently connected, and then to click on one of them and to browse and transfer files off each other from a set "shared" folder. But I want it to work like this: When a ppc connects, it is to send its new IP address to "server pc" that keeps track of the current IP addresses the PPC's have. It will then send the current IP addresses of the other connected PPC's to the unit, which will then when it attempts to click on a particular unit on his screen will set up a Direct Connection thr the LAN, bypassing the "server pc". All I want the "server pc" to be used for is just to keep track and send out the current IPs. You could say that I want to sort of model this after I’M programs.
Can you please tell me how would i go about this, I am pretty much a newbie regarding programing, so if you could please explain to me all of the steps required clearly. Also which language would be the best to use for this.
Thank you
Can you please tell me how would i go about this, I am pretty much a newbie regarding programing, so if you could please explain to me all of the steps required clearly. Also which language would be the best to use for this.
Thank you