hello! just started using microsoft access and i want to know why everytime i add a textbox always give me "unbound" type. please help how to insert "bound" so i could enter or edit record.
everytime i add a textbox always give me "unbound" type. please help how torep.qa said:hello! just started using microsoft access and i want to know why
switch over to the run view the icon is there. why is it like that?rep.qa said:on design view of my form, the field list icon is not shown. but when i
add a textbox always give me "unbound" type. please help how to insert "bound"rep.qa said:hello! just started using microsoft access and i want to know why everytime i
add a textbox always give me "unbound" type. please help how to insert "boundrep.qa said:hello! just started using microsoft access and i want to know why everytime
can't clicl on it. what shall i do?rep said:i can see now the field list icon on the design view of the form but i
list icon is there but it's not selectable (reverse mode video). what else can irep.qa said:i want to use my own form but can't insert a bounded textbox control. field
query? when i create the form using the wizard, it is automatically boundedrep said:that could be the reason. but how can i bound the form to a table or