i wanted to display the value of my textbox into my
msgbox. does anyone know the correct code for this?
i have tried.....
MessageBox.Show("You are about to insert the
product: "txtProductName.text" at a price
of "txtPrice.text" into the database. Do you wish to
continue?", "My Application(", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
this is not being accepted.
can anyone help?
i wanted to display the value of my textbox into my
msgbox. does anyone know the correct code for this?
i have tried.....
MessageBox.Show("You are about to insert the
product: "txtProductName.text" at a price
of "txtPrice.text" into the database. Do you wish to
continue?", "My Application(", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
this is not being accepted.
can anyone help?