Before Update Event Not Fired??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Watts
  • Start date Start date

Michael Watts

I have a form/subform combination. On the subform, I
have some code in the BeforeUpdate event on a specific
field that after a certain point produces a msgbox. When
ever I enter the values in my subform, at a "normal"
speed, the code is fired at the appropriate time. But,
here is the problem, when ever I enter the values in my
subform at a real fast speed, the before update event
code is completely bypassed. The values will go right
past the fire point without ever being fired.

Is there any one who could explain why this occurs??

Michael Watts
colorado_ski_bum ~NOSPAM~ at hotmail dot com
If the BeforeUpdate event of your text box does not appear to be firing when
you enter data quickly, it sounds like a timing issue.

Can we double-check that the event is not firing?
Place a MsgBox() on the very first line in the procedure?
Does this work?

As an example, updating a calculated control is a low priority task for
Access, so the event would not *appear* to fire if you had something like
If Me.MyControl <> Me.[SomeCalculatedControl] Then
MsgBox "It's different
End If
because the calculated control has not been updated if you enter quickly.

Also, a control's BeforeUpdate does not fire if you assign a value
programmatically (instead of typing it in.)

If those ideas do not cover your issue, please post back.