Ahmed Fat-hi
I need function that generates simple tone with frequency
1562.5 HZ to be played on the audio
device for duration 1920 microseconds.
i can not use the Beep function since it has the following
BOOL Beep(
DWORD dwFreq, // sound frequency in HZ
DWORD dwDuration // sound duration in milliseconds
I can not get the precigion i want because i need the
frequency to be float (1562.5) and i need
the inteval to be in microseconds(1920 microseconds) not
milliseconds as in Beep.
can u help me?
Ahmed Fat-hi
1562.5 HZ to be played on the audio
device for duration 1920 microseconds.
i can not use the Beep function since it has the following
BOOL Beep(
DWORD dwFreq, // sound frequency in HZ
DWORD dwDuration // sound duration in milliseconds
I can not get the precigion i want because i need the
frequency to be float (1562.5) and i need
the inteval to be in microseconds(1920 microseconds) not
milliseconds as in Beep.
can u help me?
Ahmed Fat-hi