Rory Becker
Appologies for the repost. I failed to use my MSDN Subscription credentials
last time.
I'm hoping someone from MS will see this and be able to help
Remote Desktop Disconnected
Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try
connecting to the remote computer again.
OK Help
Sometimes I get this message for more than a weeks worth of trying to connect
from work to home using RD.
Typically I can work from home and connect to work easily.
I am forwarding all ports correctly in both directions.
but it is getting very annoying now.
Can anyone tell me what is going on?
last time.
I'm hoping someone from MS will see this and be able to help

Remote Desktop Disconnected
Because of an error in data encryption, this session will end. Please try
connecting to the remote computer again.
OK Help
Sometimes I get this message for more than a weeks worth of trying to connect
from work to home using RD.
Typically I can work from home and connect to work easily.
I am forwarding all ports correctly in both directions.
but it is getting very annoying now.
Can anyone tell me what is going on?